Aralon: Forge and Flame

Aralon: Forge and Flame

By Crescent Moon Games

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2015-12-03
  • Current Version: 2.0
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 1.29 GB
  • Developer: Crescent Moon Games
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later.
Score: 3.63934
From 61 Ratings


"That which once was, may yet be again. From ash and sorrow, a hero shall arise, wreathed in shadow, forged in flame. . ." -The Chronicles of the 3rd Age The iOS classic role-playing series returns with an all-new adventure. Journey across three continents and diverse landscapes seeking a people once thought forever lost. The Throne of Aralon sits empty, and the noble families of Callaheim struggle to control the future of the kingdom. Features: • Massive World to Explore! • MFi Controller support! • 3D touch support • Tons of items • Tons of weapons • Play as a Female or a Male character • 3 Races and 4 Classes with skill trees • Real time Shadows • First Person and 3rd person view • Day and Night Cycle Follow us for the latest info and game news! • • •



  • Good and there is some advice

    By 山寨米糊
    First, can you make a full screen support? The game can not fix my 13 pro max' s screen. Second, if there’re some extra bosses like the fire dragon in sword and shadow, I wouldn’t feel bored after running through the main story. Third, will you update this game and make it on arcade? It looks like the pocket mini verson of world of warcraft, or elder scrolls, or zelda breath of the wild. I really have fun with the exploration. I enjoy the epic background music. But it also looks like a semi-finished product and there are some bugs. Thought this game isn' t perfect, I love it. Maybe the next aralon can be the remake of sword and shadow? And the new one will be made with new unreal engine, and on arcade?
  • Loved the first one, trying the second.

    By roatanzach
    Great game, just getting into it
  • It’s a good game

    By Kri5na13
    When I was younger I left a bad review for this game, but now taking a second look at it, I think it’s not that bad. I still perfer the original, but this one has better graphics & the skills are a lot easier to use/look better during combat. Even though the story is definitely more bare bones than the original, & they didn’t add enough new skills imo, it’s still worth playing imo.
  • Good but flawed

    By ZD-Kaz
    It is a good game, with the exception of some bugs, and a rather lackluster story. This is basically Aralon 1.5 with armor and weps not being locked behind classes. A few things bugged me however, aside from well the bugs, why exactly is there no helms? Or at least visible helms? Why do all the character models for male players look like old men despite the fact that they are supposed to be teens? Why do the elven players have digitigrade legs in the menus? It is a fun little game to run around in however, so oh well I suppose
  • Solid Game

    By AralonGuy
    If you liked Aralon: Sword and Shadow, you will enjoy this installment as well. Not much in terms of gameplay changed, besides a few small things like fireplaces to cook food at or whatnot. The graphics are better, and the skilltrees for each class are still pretty great. The stody starts off much worse than sword and shadow, but picks up a bit halfway through and ultimately is a lot less cliche than the 1st game’s: “Get these items to defeat evil demon guy.” The amount of gameplay in this for an iphone is astounding honestly, and it is a good amount of fun. There are tons of sidequests, a simple law system, and some other cool world stuff like in the first game. Overall, the game is a very small improvement from the first game, but it is at least new content and new places and enemies and things to discover.
  • Mfi doesn’t work please help!!!!

    By Bradkw89
    I played the first game and I was really excited to play this one and everything I see online says it works with a controller And every other game on my iPad with mfi capability works with my Xbox controller except this one. It recognizes that there’s a controller hooked up but nothing works. I want to scream and cry cuz this game would be so good with a controller. Please help!!!Wondering what the deal is. Can’t find any help on any site
  • A true classic

    By Superhonest 663339
    I had the first game (aralon sword and shadow) and even though I loved the first one more than this one, this is still an AMAZING game for being on mobile, an open world rpg with a world big enough for you to explore and do many things, this game truly gave me some good memories as a kid, well worth the purchase!!
  • Please add more things

    By Nemri
    Look, you developers are amazing, but I think you’ve abandoned this game and the Aralon franchise as a whole. If you could at least add something new, even something simple as iPhone X support, I will give 5 stars.
  • False Advertisement

    By Babiont
    There is no mfi support for Aralon on Ipad devices.
  • Good game

    By Hhbthgyvt
    Good game that has the potential to be a 5 star game. This aralon was so much quicker and less involved than its predecessor
