

By Crescent Moon Games

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2019-02-27
  • Current Version: 2.0
  • Adult Rating: 9+
  • File Size: 165.73 MB
  • Developer: Crescent Moon Games
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later.
Score: 4.28205
From 39 Ratings


One fateful night, when young Jack takes the beautiful Nara for a walk in the woods, his love is kidnapped by the villainous orc Korg. Forced to mount a rescue, Jack plunges into Korg’s underground base, where he happens upon a strange blade that becomes an unlikely ally. In JackQuest, players will explore the cavernous depths of Korg’s slime-ridden, labyrinthine lair. There, they will solve environmental puzzles, discover power-ups, collect weapons, and challenge subterranean foes, including massive bosses. Acquire many useful upgrades and power-ups by purchasing them from strategically placed merchants. You'll want to spend your coins wisely and save for more expensive items that can prove to be life savers later on. Gain many powerful weapons such as swords, bow and arrows, and jumping boots. Learn special abilities including wall jumping, lightning speed boosts and using magic crystal power to perform a devastating winding windmill attack! --- UPDATE! NEW CONTENT! A mysterious castle, dark creatures threaten our hero again, this time he will prevent the ancient one from destroying everything he knows. To defeat this terrible villain, Jack will again count on the help of his sword. Enter Dracula's castle, face zombies, ghosts and other terrible creatures. Fight against new bosses and acquire unique artifacts that will help you in the final confrontation, in a place that can be a real maze. Discover a new weapon that will help you break new ground into this terrible villain's quarters. The time has come to end this evil.



  • more story modes!!!!

    By lozzzzskskkss
    The game was a good 7.5. The “start game” button is the same as the “continue” button i think. I pressed on the “start game” button assuming it’s the same as “continue” button and it restarted the 2nd story mode. Kind of like it glitched. Specially since trying to mute the back ground sound and the attacks, it glitches out, takes me to my Home Screen. And the sound is still on. Yikes
  • Stingy heath system

    By XxSubject16xX
    While I am a fan of platform games. This game has found many cons on my list. If it were free the rating would be 3 stars but considering you must purchase to play I feel I should be less lenient. The health system in this game is beyond lack luster and needs a work-up/update. It is stingy to say the least. Each hit takes away half a heart and you gather hearts as you progress through the story. You can refill hearts with potions that drop (RARELY) or purchasing them from the merchant (EXPENSIVE). This becomes incredibly infuriating when you hit a save point next to a boss with 1 hit until death. The game is fun, but falls incredibly short next to other games such as Celeste. I will change my review if I see the devs work on something to make the game a tad less stingy with the health system.
  • Terrible controls.

    By Something Witty...
    The controls are a major let down.
  • Where are the buttons for control it

    By Drewdrum
    It says press a button but I see no buttons
  • Not worth the price

    By chris rouleau
    The game is way too short to justify the $6 asking price. There is only one map, three bad guys, only one item (to breath under water), one extra weapon besides the sword, just a few secret hidden places, and a shop that has a few items. The game play itself was great I had no issues with the controls. But, it is just way too short to justify $6. I feel ripped off.
  • Problem

    By danklygash
    I have 1/4 of the controls showing unplayable
  • Controls seem to be fixed

    By __ryans__opinion
    The developers appear to have fixed the control issue (both the control sizes and responsiveness). Now, the only issue is that the game is short. Aside from trying to speedrun or get a deathless playthrough, there’s not much replay-ability.
  • Controls

    By wuthee
    Hi friendly developer! Your controls are not great... actually they are pretty bad.
  • Good looking game that’s ruined by lag

    By manis munweller
    This game looks good and I like the style, but the lag is crazy! It’s like I’m playing in slow motion, then the frame rate corrects for a second then it’s back to slow motion. I’m playing on the new iPad so that’s not the issue. I’ve tried other games and they are working fine. I hope I didn’t just waste my money.
  • Um What...

    By Fury Road
    See edit below also: So when I pay 6 dollars for a game I expect it to take more than an hour of playtime to beat. The entire game should be the first level of maybe 10 total levels. The controls are ok if you have baby hands. Developers need to add a feature that allows the user to configure them for those of us whose hands are full grown human sized. I actually loved the game, the design, the side scrolling, action RPG is great and there’s even a half-hearted attempt at a story. But the game is so short that I feel ripped off. 0 replay-ability. Once you beat it and know where the secrets are, there is no need to ever play it again. It’s a swing and a miss that just needed a lot more gameplay for the price they charge. Edit: They’ve updated the controls so I’ve bumped my rating up to 3 stars. However, the major issue is how short the game is. Wait for it to go down to .99 cents.
