

By Crescent Moon Games

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2022-07-06
  • Current Version: 1.02
  • Adult Rating: 9+
  • File Size: 31.90 MB
  • Developer: Crescent Moon Games
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.
Score: 4.54216
From 83 Ratings


Armed with your culinary skills and ingenuity, embark on a delicious adventure in Chefy-Chef! Collect ingredients as you make your way through dense jungles, snow-capped mountains and a viscous swamp. Overcome 60 levels full of adventure and fun together with Chefy! Pick up unique cooking tools that will unlock superpowers for you, such as climbing walls with a sharp knife, teleportation with a frying pan and high jumps thanks to a cooking hammer! Search and collect secret burgers at each level, with which you can unlock new items in the Chef's wardrobe. Features: * Complete 60 levels in three mysterious worlds * Interesting levels in the style of mini-metroidvania * Use cooking tools that will unlock superpowers for you * Collect secret burgers to unlock new clothes in the wardrobe



  • Perfect

    By Jake the snake richardson
    Just perfect
  • Looks like a retro game which I love

    By Eva Testa
    I would like to see a map added in the future.
  • Fun!

    By Lilmya11111111
    Absolutely LOVE this game. Crescent Moon is one of my favorite developers. It is pretty difficult at some points tho and can get super frustrating… I’d love for the developers to make different difficulties for the player to choose from, like easy, normal or hard. I like to play games to relax and have fun after a long day but when the game is too hard it just defeats the purpose entirely. Definitely a 5 star game if they’d add the difficulty choices.
  • Seems fun but I can’t with this virtual joystick

    By Can't afford a free sample...
    Everything about the game seems polished but the controls and feel of the joystick is a chore and a trial. Its probably just me but its pretty rough.
  • I love this app

    By dan yum yum
    This game is really fun especially for being a mobile game. The only problem is they made the monkeys too cute to kill.
  • Annoying

    By jarvis raines
    I just was running into spikes and frogs because the jump button only works 60% of the time, 50% if it’ll harm you. Otherwise, fun and addicting game. Just really hard.
  • Very good

    By Trentony90
    If you like cooking and platformers this game is for you I just got itabout 10 minutes ago and I am already on level 5 so very fun and addictive
  • How Cool! But, How Clunky!

    By sshimmel
    Who wouldn’t want to explore the jungles like a plump version of Pitfall Harry? But hopping into the stage becomes a disappointing exercise in waiting for intro/preview screens to pan their way into actually starting the game each time. Some “tips” screens helpfully announce play mechanics and abilities only to disappear so quickly they are unreadable. The only way to reread those messages is to restart the level. And one of the earlies messages on how to jump downward through thin parts of platforms didn’t even work. Unlike a Nintendo platformer, the easy, new mechanics became frustratingly obtuse and I quiuickly gave up trying.
  • 10/10 would recommend

    By jalinalee
    10/10!!! Best mobile game I’ve played in years
