Poorly implemented
By Twirling fern
First off - don’t buy extra credits as they are a ONE GAME purchase, which it doesn’t warn you about.
Second, to use the bomb I need to stop moving and hit the bottom right of the screen? Awful. There is not even a method to change it to a second finger tap.
Third, when you get hit you lose ship power, so you will constantly be at low power. Each ship spams our tiny power ups that you need to catch.
4th, the first boss shoots out a huge laser with Zero warning or windup down the middle of the screen.
Easy mode is too hard. If you didn’t lose power each time you get hit maybe it would do do-able.
Overall the game was poorly designed and not fun.
Near Impossible, Bad Scaling
By Gamerofallages
This game is near impossible. Think of any of the classic Cave or Psikyo games difficulties, even their black label versions, and times that by about 100. Bullets are popping in from every corner, right on top of you, before you even have the chance to avoid or kill enemies. In traditional shmups and bullet hells the enemies hang back and spam bullets OR rush you, or both on occasion. In this game they’re rushing and spamming bullets at the same time constantly. It’s horribly unbalanced and the easy vs normal difficulties don’t scale well at all. Save your money and buy any other shmup on the store. Aka to blue, the Cave games, Danmaku, anything but this. The art style is great, but the gameplay is where this falls short.
Operation Dracula
By syntheticvoid
I've had the free version of this on my phone for so long, and it took me so long to actually get into playing it seriously, that I forgot it was the free version - and really just figured it was a free game with ads.
Then, while scrolling through the store looking for a new SHMUP to snag, I saw that Operation Dracula didn't say 'OPEN', and instead - showed that $2.99 price tag.
Well.... I fired up the free version again, and about 2 days later, I picked up this paid build.
I have no clue what took me so long to get into it, or why I kept just glancing over this version while scrolling through the AppStore, but I'm kicking myself for it now.
This is a GREAT shoot-em-up, with FANTASTIC visuals, sounds, scoring and a hardcore difficulty that should keep even the most seasoned bullet-hell gamers wildly entertained - and this is coming from someone that is VERY picky about their SHMUPS. This fits right in with the 10 or so other top notch titles that are not offloaded in my SHMUP folder right now (4 of which are Cave offerings). So, if that tells you anything.... .... I'd be surprised to hear of any serious fan of the genre bad mouth this one.
Oh, and THANK YOU for keeping this title active all these years (especially after the 'OS update that shall never be mentioned'). You guys rock!
Come for the bullet hell, stay for the music
By 7-String
I learned very quickly that I am probably the worst at this game, but the masterfully crafted tracks have me coming back.
Normal is nearly impossible and easy is enough to drive you mad
By Rudux 1989
Why label it as normal and easy when it's clearly legendary mode and veteran mode.
Terribly designed, too much clutter
By Demonskunk
This is a terribly designed shmup. Unlike other, better made bullet hell games, this game FPGAs way too much going on at once. Thimgs constantly pop onto the screen and shoot an insane amount of bullets at once.
The first boss has a laser attack that gives no warning, and will almost always hit you because you need to be right in front of it to actually hit it with your weapon.
Avoid this one. Go buy dodonpachi or something instead.
Great Shmup!
By XMusic_m
Great shmup with high octane action right from the start. Seems impossible at first, but as you learn to do small, precise dodges and use your specials and bombs often and wisely it gets really fun. I have a few specific gripes about individual moments (boss 4's "fake" bullets come to mind) but overall this game is a blast. The soundtrack is awesome too, and the game includes a music player with unlockable tracks.
Finally beat all bosses on normal tips
By Boyiartist
Watch out for bullets and throw your electronic at the window.
Finally beat it on normal (tips)
By Citizen.kane.
Took an in-app purchase of 3 extra credits and a lot of practice, but that was a satisfying win. Be patient and have fun. Then when you think you can win with extra credits, buy em. It was worth the .99 cents. Great experience.
Boss one is easy once you know his routine. I keep to the left when things get crazy. Easier to dodge.
If you don't care about points, boss 2 can easily be beat by running the clock and looming behind him until he shoots missles.
Boss 3 all I can say is baby steps all around. Resist jumping all over the place.
Boss 4 his first move is aimed at you so time it so you move far away just as he launches those missles. That will ease the pain. I go to the upper left corner when he launches bombs.
Last guy is pretty easy. Stay left when he uses bats. You can dodge easy from there. The rest is just gently dodging bullets.
Never says credits are one use
By HumphreyBogarden
So I paid to max out credits. Because u need more credits in all modes. But nowhere does it say that the iap for credits is one use only. They should regenerate for the extra two dollars we paid. Shameful money grab. Like I'm going yo pay two dollars each time I want to play. Thx for the greed.