Adobe Summit 2025

Adobe Summit 2025

By Adobe Inc.

  • Category: Business
  • Release Date: 2017-03-10
  • Current Version: 7.5.0
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 78.05 MB
  • Developer: Adobe Inc.
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 16.0 or later.
Score: 4.68421
From 114 Ratings


Your mobile guide to Adobe Summit 2025. *In person Summit registration is required to access this mobile app. Online attendees will not be able to login to the Summit mobile app.* Before you set off for Las Vegas, be sure to download the Summit app to stay connected during the conference. The Summit app gives you scheduling access to in-person sessions and labs, the latest conference announcements, venue maps, attendee networking, session surveys, and more. Download this free app today. For details on Summit − The Digital Experience Conference visit



  • Nice schedule feature, font to small, surveys hard to find

    By Jeff Wright
    Pro: My schedule / all sessions tabs nice. I like how it scrolled to the next session during the conference Con: font way too small for older eyes (and can’t pinch and zoom).maps had no reference point from the main hall, surveys hard to find (no link from session detail page), surveys not available upon session completion. Feature requests:: add a font-size preference; allow screen zoom; better maps (walking directions from where I now even better!) add survey deep-links to each session’s detail page, add in-app polling feature for feature/winner voting. After summit, add links to watch session replays on session detail l pages. And with all the talk about AI, I’d love a smart recommendation engine for which sessions to attend.
  • Good, but could be great if…

    By rsmith2016
    …users could add additional ancillary meetings to our schedule that aren’t in Jiffle.
  • Buggy app

    By arximus0
    Crashes right after launch every time on iPhone XS Max
  • App crashing the night before the summit

    By mmoxczy
    I can’t open the app. It crashes upon load.
  • Not working right- can't add sessions to my agenda

    By WriterGuy416
    My primary reason for using this app is to have somewhere to track all the sessions I want to attend in one place. It seems like the app is supposed to do that, with the ability to search for and add individual sessions to quote my agenda." But it doesn't work. I can search for the session, and if I click on the "add" icon, nothing happens, other than a "cancel" option popping up. Hope you guys fix this app before the summit starts in a couple of days.
