King Arthur: Legends Rise

King Arthur: Legends Rise

By Netmarble Corporation

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2024-11-27
  • Current Version: 1.2.1
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 2.57 GB
  • Developer: Netmarble Corporation
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 15.0 or later.
Score: 4.67885
From 2,189 Ratings


The future of turn-based RPGs is here! Recruit loyal knights, explore a vast medieval fantasy world, and restore the kingdom of Camelot to its former glory. War between the gods and mankind rages across Britain! Arthur, drawn to the blade Excalibur, has made a dark pact with Caliburn, the dragon trapped within the sword. Now, wielding the power of Excalibur, Arthur must lead his kingdom through an age of darkness as dangerous enemies and vile creatures threaten him at every turn. Will you make a deal with the dragon? ※ Pre-register to get 10 Rise Summon Tickets, which you can use to summon 10 heroes including the Legendary hero Morgan! ▶ Embark on an epic adventure! Ancient gods, dragons, and magic await - join King Arthur and explore a brand new medieval fantasy world. What do the ancient gods desire? What price will Arthur's blood pact with Excalibur demand? Will the kingdom of Camelot prevail? Only you can discover the answers! ▶ Battle alongside mythical heroes! Collect and power up heroes from the legend of King Arthur and take on powerful enemies. Obtain powerful elemental artifacts, swap them out as needed, and perfect your strategies. ▶ Turn-based combat evolved! With a focus on player-driven cohesive combat and hero designs to back it up, King Arthur: Legends Rise represents the next evolution of the turn-based RPG genre. Stay tuned for story updates, new game modes, and even more content coming up! ※ This app offers in-app purchases. You can disable this feature by adjusting your device’s settings. ※ By downloading this game, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. -Terms of Service: -Privacy Policy:



  • Can’t play

    By StuntZero
    After the last update the game simply does not launch past the opening screen.
  • Great Start

    By PoisonDart931
    This game has a lot of potential to be great. The story has rewards that are on par with progression & a handful of rare heroes that can be clutch in any battle. I can’t complain about the summon rate because I’ve been extremely lucky on my pulls & have some awesome legendary heroes. There are regular events that offer some fantastic rewards if you focus on them. I do have a few suggestions and I hope the Devs will consider them as I’m sure I’m not the only one who would like to see these changes. 1.) The gear drops in adventure mode need an overhaul. I’ve just completed adventure chapter 8 & I’m still getting 4 star gear drops. If you have invested enough in your characters to make it that far in the adventure, the gear drops should be at least five stars and up to six stars when you get to chapter 10. 2. ) I would like to see an increase in the runs allowed in the sealed temple. Maybe open it once a month for unlimited runs similar to the favor dungeons being all being opened on Sunday. 3.) Legendary heroes are great and having some that can change your account makes the game more enjoyable, however, the new heroes that have been released are all legends. I would love to see some new rare heroes & maybe even another class such as epic heroes. I’ve spent money on the game & I don’t mind making a $20 purchase if the rewards are worth it ( Such as the Commander Pass which is well worth the price.) That being said, the average player can only skill up a small number of legendary heroes & the rest are out of reach for them unless they are willing to farm for a very long time. New rare heroes would keep the game alive & engaging. 4.) Finally, there needs to be an expansion on end game content that keeps the players that have progressed that far engaged. You have an amazing base game here , but I feel like its future is uncertain. I do realize that the game is still relatively new and I’m looking forward to seeing what changes come up in the future. I would love to see this game become the #1 game of the gacha series & it has the potential to do that. It also has the potential to become another shooting star that fades away after its initial release. Hoping for the best- happy gaming.
  • Loading screen crashes

    By Luck2112
    Hi, I actually really enjoy this game but recently have had an issue on my 16 Pro Max with crashes. I start up the game and as soon as I tap it to load it crashes and I can’t play. The only fix I found was uninstalling it and reinstalling it back. However, this is getting very frustrating to do every time I try to play. Hope a fix comes soon so I can leave a better review.
  • Very good potential

    By Mike1992aa
    Love the game from the start. Story was a banger side missions were cool until stamina came back however after the story the game got extremely boring. Usually games ride the release of new characters but the devs do a terrible job at hyping the new characters up not an ounce of excitement leading up to it. Also the end game is non existent. PVP is a joke. I had high hopes for this game but it becomes more and more of a cash grab the more you play it.
  • Repeat

    By J-Rocc_2000
    Please fix the tactile function on your game. I have to double sometimes quad tap for anything to happen. Multiple devices same problem!
  • Does nothing but crash

    By TheKillerCroc
    Hot garbage. Hope no one spent money on this
  • Жадная компания(криворукая)

    By Alex3474
    Просто с любым обновлением начинаются лаги! У них в башке только урвать как можно больше денег! Но делать для этого они ничего не хотят, только рамки делают новые(молодцы-Идите куда подальше)подземелье второй день починить не могут! Зато за Донат любое оружие на любого героя! Никакого рандома уже, просто игра в кошелек. Разрабы просто отстой!!!!!!!
  • Failed login

    By kamus1986
    plz fix it !
  • Won’t load

    By gay google
    Have had a great time playing your game and now it won’t even load. Honestly if you can’t even log on to your game it makes me wonder what other issues I’m going to have playing your game. Kinda sad. If you are contemplating playing this game I would think twice because you may not even be able to log in.
  • Better than RAID!!

    By sks_supreme
    Been playing Raid for years and this Game feels good to play as a solo player! I can’t wait for more heroes to be added in the future!
