Vanity Fair Digital Edition

Vanity Fair Digital Edition

By Advance Magazine Publishers Inc.

  • Category: Entertainment
  • Release Date: 2011-04-06
  • Current Version: 6.3
  • Adult Rating: 17+
  • File Size: 17.41 MB
  • Developer: Advance Magazine Publishers Inc.
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 15.0 or later.
Score: 4.40449
From 267 Ratings


Muscular long-form journalism, stunning photography, insightful essays, and superb design make each issue of Vanity Fair a must-read. Every month, the magazine commissions the best writers and photographers to explain the pressing issues of the day and take the pulse of the culture. Vanity Fair consistently delivers crucial reporting on business and finance, domestic politics and world affairs, even as it covers the very best in arts and entertainment. The Vanity Fair digital edition app is free to download. Subscribers receive unlimited access. Non-subscribers may access a selection of complimentary articles each month. AUTOMATIC-RENEWAL: Your payment method will be automatically charged at the frequency and price noted in the subscription offer you select, until you cancel. To cancel, you must update your App Store Subscriptions settings at least 24 hours before the end of the current subscription term. No refunds once payment is made.



  • App is tricky

    The app is opposite of intuitive. The articles and content are great. But even just writing this review was annoying to navigate
  • Love content, hate UX

    By CameronL1009
    I love vanity fair articles and podcasts, but the app needs to go back to a point where I can click into an article rather than swipe through an entire magazine where I need to zoom in to read the content.
  • The new Vanity Fair App

    By Yo from Hilly
    The new app makes it well nigh impossible to navigate on a cellphone or IPad! I think I need to cancel my subscription as it is so difficult now to choose and read an article. Very disappointed!!
  • Disappointing format

    By VT NC
    If I wanted to flip through 100+ pages, I’d subscribe to the paper edition. I’ve enjoyed the advantages of the electronic version for years, but am not happy with the new format. I agree with the previous reviewer: this may as well be a pdf.
  • New format

    By Easroak
    I need to cancel my 30 year association
  • What happened?

    By shanechristian
    VF used to be great to read electronically. Then they made a too-fancy app that took too many swipes and got stuck all the times it tried to integrate video or show scaled images…so it’s been simplified to the point it’s nothing. Might as well be a PDF. If an article ends on page 50 and continues on 108 there isn’t even a link. You have to “flip” the virtual pages. It’s just not up to par for a title like Vanity Fair. You have a budget. It’s 2024. The electronic version should work.
  • Useless

    By Could Be Better for Customers
    I downloaded the app to be able to file and read archival articles in one place. Not only can the app not find them, but when you find them by Googling, you cannot then open them and save them on the app, which appears to be nothing more than a digital newsstand for a single title. So much regret about this subscription.
  • Call

    By imusicmaid
    I couldn’t link my print and app either. I called the toll free number and in less than two minutes Mark linked it for me. I’m all set.
  • Subscribed but can’t open anything

    By mc1111
    This VF is a scam. I purchased subscription but have never been able to open a magazine. I even have the receipt. This is a total scam. Don’t fall for it. Going back to paper mags!!!
  • Digital Access = access to nothing

    By T3ach123
    Purchased digital access and the app has nothing but a way to buy digital magazines. Nothing more. When I try to link subscriptions, I’m in an infinite loop of non-response.
