Autogenic Drainage

Autogenic Drainage

By Polemics Applications LLC

  • Category: Medical
  • Release Date: 2015-01-15
  • Current Version: 2.0.6
  • Adult Rating: 9+
  • File Size: 29.87 MB
  • Developer: Polemics Applications LLC
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.
Score: 3.78378
From 37 Ratings


The Autogenic Drainage app provides a customizable timer with voice commands to aid in doing autogenic drainage. Autogenic drainage is a breathing exercise that is used to clear mucus from the lungs in people with lung disease. Autogenic drainage requires no equipment and is done entirely through controlling your breathing. This app contains a default autogenic drainage session that was customized by a person with cystic fibrosis and also contains a fully customizable session if the defaults do not work for you. You can customize the length of every inhale, exhale, time holding your breath, and total number of breaths in each phase of autogenic drainage. Hit start and voice commands tell you when to breathe in, hold, and breathe out. The timer also displays how long your session is, the current breath number, and how many breaths you have remaining. The app also contains a reference section. Track symptoms after each session or whenever you need to and recall them later for health professional consults and your own health planning. This app was designed to the specifications of a single person with cystic fibrosis and was developed as an aid in doing autogenic drainage for people with cystic fibrosis or perhaps other lung diseases. This app was not developed by doctors, respiratory therapists, or any other medical professional. This app is not intended to replace any existing medical treatment and should be only used as an aid to people already doing autogenic drainage or those eager to try it.



  • So much better now! Thank you!

    By JanaPainter
    Latest version has fixed all the bugs and added features. Yay!
  • Most Important Part of my Airway Clearance

    By DESherri
    Using this app is the best way for me to clear my lungs. I need need this app. Thank you for developing this wonderful tool.
  • Thanks for the fix!

    By Cksyfy
    I use this app several times a day. So glad l can hear it again. ❤️
  • Can’t hear it

    By KTK9K
    With volume on max setting on my iPhone I can barely hear the cues.
  • Can’t hear

    By Trishlb33
    They updated the app and the volume is so low I can’t hear it.😩
  • Audio isn’t working

    By 2Princess
    For some reason I don’t have the audio after this app was updated. Will you be fixing this by chance. It’s really hard to do without audio assistance.
  • I adore this app!!!

    By BE CLEAR with BE
    Thank you to the developer for updating this amazing app. I am active in the bronchiectasis (BE) community and tell both patients and clinicians to check it out. Many of us living with BE need to clear mucus from our airways every day and this app is a HUGE help. It uses a breathing technique that moves mucus from the small airways to the larger ones where there are cough receptors. Then we can cough out the mucus, feel better and prevent infections. YAY!!! I will be donating to the developer regularly as a thank you. Linda Esposito
  • You’ve destroyed it

    By AreUKiddin’
    This app no longer works. With the newest update, we can no longer hear this. Why would you release this to the public without testing it to be sure it works. You’ve taken something that was great and destroyed it. Please offer a fix.
  • The update ruined it

    By Happyann
    I like the old app! I had a customized session set up on it and used it faithfully twice a day as part of my airway clearance routine. It automatically updated on me and there seems to be no option to customize and the worst part is I cannot get it to make a sound. It’s pretty useless if you can’t be guided by a voice.
  • Autogenic drainage app

    By RetiredHappily
    Love, but crashes on my iPhone. So disappointed! I really do need this!!! Please try to fix! Thank you!!!
