Beautiful Wallpapers, Ridiculous Pricing, Frustrating App
By Grouchy&Fluffy
This app has always had some of the very best wallpapers. However, the pricing is confusing and ridiculous. There’s one set of prices listed in the App Store and a different set listed in the app ($79/yr, are you kidding me?!?! - half this amount would be a more reasonable price). Apple really needs to crack down on this and mandate clear, consistent pricing listed in both places. Also, something that should have been addressed a LONG time ago - if you go into a Category, then select a wallpaper to preview, when you back out/X out of that wallpaper, instead of sending you back one screen, so you’re still in the category you selected, it instead sends you back to the main page/Gallery. This means you have to start all over. That’s a poor, poor user experience and needs to be fixed ASAP. I find both of these things so frustrating, I rarely use this app now. Address these things, and I’ll reevaluate my rating.
Double Charged
By DCE49
10/30/24. I was double-charged for this app. Unsubscribed already and asked Apple for refund for second charge. You should have a payment system that protects users from being double-charged!!!! I will NOT use this app again!!! This is a scam!!!
Bad app
By Pluteuslarva
Could not use as it won’t set wallpaper unless I pay
not free
By dontuseluft
not as advertised
By Tracy Palacios onofre
Really $4.99 a week, really?!?
By Christina_217
While the wallpaper is pretty it’s NOT worth $4.99 a week. That’s laughable. Seriously what world are you living in? Because it’s not the real world. Just no.
The best Wallpapers for iPad Pro
By Mike_Bills
I am using iPad Pro 11 inch and WoW these wallpapers are the best I’ve seen
It’s amazing app
By n8 Taggart
I like the wallpapers on this app they are really fun to use I wish you can be able to make your own wallpapers too
It is OK
By Pumpkin pie 24
Really the only thing I don’t like is that you have to watch an ad to unlock a background or you can’t get a specific background because you have to have the premium edition or something.
By Snuffyh11
This app has beautiful and great wallpapers with lots of variety. Love it.