All the shabads in this paath are composed by the fifth Sikh Guru, Guru Arjan Dev in three raags - Raga Gauri,Raga Bilaval and Raga Sorath. This paath is done by members of the Sikh faith in order to alleviate any form of ailment ("dukh") or hardship experienced by them. The word 'dukh' means a hardship or ailment or suffering causing a pain. The word 'bhanjani' means destroyer or crusher; hence the phrase "dukh bhanjani" means "Destroyer of Pain". All the shabads in this composition are chosen at achieving this goal. This bani is named after the Shri Dukh Bhanjani Beri which is a tree (beri) located by the perimeter of the sacred pool at Amritsar. Salient Features: 1) User of the app can listen to path using soft keys (Play, Pause or Stop). 2) Two languages are available: Gurmukhi (Punjabi) and Hindi. 3) User can change the text size on each page(i.e. increase or decrease) within app. 4) Meaning of the path is available on every page. 5) Themes: User can change theme (color scheme) of the app. 7) User can use Go option to quickly go to any page. We hope you will like our app. Please rate us and if you have any feedback or suggestion, you can contact us via email: