Nihongo Lessons

Nihongo Lessons

By Serpenti Sei LLC

  • Category: Education
  • Release Date: 2022-12-01
  • Current Version: 1.1.14
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 185.77 MB
  • Developer: Serpenti Sei LLC
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 16 or later.
Score: 4.76471
From 85 Ratings


A new app for people serious about becoming fluent in Japanese, from the maker of Nihongo: a modern Japanese dictionary. Nihongo Lessons is based off the excellent Japanese Level Up (Jalup) series, and is made to help all levels of learners. * If you're a complete beginner, the app starts you off by teaching you to write the Japanese alphabets hiragana and katakana, and then quickly starts building your vocabulary and grammar fundamentals. * If you're at an intermediate level, you can jump into content that will help you grow your Japanese grammar, vocabulary, and listening skills more efficiently than ever before. * If you're an advanced learner diving into the world of native content or studying for JLPT N1, Nihongo Lessons can help fill in the gaps in your knowledge with vocabulary and grammar pulled directly from real manga. Instead of a traditional textbook, everything in Nihongo Lessons is in a flashcard format. Flashcards are easier to take in, easier to know how much to learn and how often to review, and simplify the mountain of information you need to absorb. Each flashcard introduces one new sentence for you to understand, and every new sentence introduces exactly one new word, grammar point, or concept. This keeps you constantly moving forward in your learning journey - never bored, never overwhelmed. * Learn to write hiragana and katakana, the main alphabets of the Japanese language. * Progress from beginner to fluent across 7000 handcrafted sentences, each introducing a single new word or concept. * Listen to sentences spoken out loud by a professional voice actor. * Advanced Spaced Repetition (SRS) to help you retain everything you've learned for the long-term. * Nihongo Lessons doesn’t just plop a fun game on top of the language. It engages the brain’s natural urge to solve problems by making learning the language itself the game.



  • JALUP lives on

    By connoranastasio
    Thank you for saving this, it is some of the best Japanese learning content out there. Instantly bought the full set. Clean and snappy interface as well. Do you have a timeline/ballpark for when kanji will be added?
  • This app will be the anchor of your Japanese studies

    By Countzero01
    The best source for true I+1 comprehensible input Japanese cards out there, with a sleek modern interface and amazing dictionary integration! A fantastic update to the JALUP decks. Add this to your Japanese studies-don’t skip any days-and you won’t regret it!
  • Great so far

    By Iraregis
    I just found out about JALUP and am so glad that someone is maintaining the project. No problems with the app so far and I’m excited to see how you grow this project moving forward!
  • Thank you for preserving such awesome content

    By TenaciousD19800
    As someone new to the Jalup community, I am thrilled and relieved that you not only saved such incredible content from the possibility of abandonment, but improved on the app presentation! Thank you! I’ve already paid for the full package in the app, and I’m loving the quality and experience. Looking forward to seeing what else you have in store for us in the future.
  • Fantastic app with great potential

    By Shawnlf
    So far I’ve enjoyed using the app. Quality content with quality audio. I have two requests for improving my experience. I wish there was a way to automatically play audio when flipping the card. I use the front to quiz my pronunciation and understanding and would like to automatically hear the audio upon flipping the card. Often, I have long car rides. I’d like to play the cards while driving to maximize my studying time.
  • Awesome App with One Big Flaw

    By chokobera
    I love this app. As a UX designer, I give the app’s UI a big thumbs up! It looks nice (though dark mode would be nice), it’s easy to use, and the flash card feature is super intuitive. But as a learner of Japanese and former language teacher myself, I’m skeptical about ONLY reviewing words in the context of a sentence. Learning a word in context is great! And I love that about this app. However, reviewing a word in context? Hm… how can I really test my ability to recall a word if it’s always in a context that gives away the answer? The struggle to recall a word is what really helps you learn vocabulary. That’s what any learning designer will tell you, and that’s the whole point of flash cards! Does this app help you accomplish that? Not really. Humans are really good at memorizing a sentence when they have cues. After I’ve reviewed a sentence a few times, I have the meaning of the sentence memorized, even if I haven’t memorized each word individually. Let me give you an example. I just reviewed the sentence, “ここでは、日本人は稀だ.” I can easily remember what the sentence means after reviewing that sentence once or twice, therefore I can tell you what 稀 means. Remembering the meaning of a sentence is easy because it’s full of cues. But what if you showed me the word 稀 on its own and asked me to recall the meaning. Could I? Probably not. Or what if you asked me if I knew the Japanese word for “rare”? I would probably not be able to pull the word 稀 from the recesses of my memory. Here’s my recommendation to the product owner. First you need to teach the word in context (as you’re already doing), and THEN you need to quiz for understanding using just the Japanese word. If you really want to test my understanding, then surface the Japanese definition and make me remember what the word was. That would be so good for learning! It would also really differentiate you from anything else I’ve seen. At the moment, this is an awesome app that just doesn’t accomplish its purpose. I think if you add the features I mentioned above, you’ll have the best Japanese learning app on the market.
  • Do you have Then this is an Instabuy.

    By Leo of BORG
    I never knew about Jalup, but should have. If you have and love Nihongo you know what to expect, this is serious quality at a serious price. Pro tools are serious $$$ and “Nihongo Lessons” is in this “professional” space, it has a LOT of structured content in those decks. My user case: intermediate to advanced, but haven’t used Japanese seriously in years, started to forget things, so bought the full monty as a “refresher course.” Even if you’re at a higher level, give this a download and try the first few decks to get a feel. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. Bonus that it integrates with Nihongo with very little friction. One of the other reviewers mentioned iPad, I’d love to see the app optimized for iPad but it’s not a dealbreaker. It’s is in my iPhone dock and gets used every day. Really looking forward to the Kanji decks but busy enough with filling gaps in my grammar and vocabulary now.
  • Great for beginners or review

    By frellus
    Saw off Hacker News and was quite impressed by the way this app was done. Visually appealing, suited for tactile learning. This is why Jobs made the iPad.. its a total tool for learning!
  • Continues a great app

    By kagaminematrix
    Everything we love about Jalup cranked to 11. The layout of the cards is improved from the original app and the review system seems more thorough since you have to pass a card 3 times to move it to the review pile. This app focuses on the sentence decks, and hiragana and katakana kanji coming at a later date. So far I’m pleased with the app and plan to use it for as long as the dev supports it.
