Medis 2 - GUI for Redis

Medis 2 - GUI for Redis

By 子骅 李

  • Category: Developer Tools
  • Release Date: 2021-08-03
  • Current Version: 2.15.1
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 12.58 MB
  • Developer: 子骅 李
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.


Medis is a modern, delightful, and professional Redis GUI. It's designed and developed by Redis experts, making it trustworthy even in critical situations. ———————————— Notable Features: ———————————— Support all key types Medis works great with strings, lists, hashes, sets, sorted sets, streams, and even some third-party modules like RedisJSON. With the beautiful UI, users can manage all data delightfully. Command query Medis provides a query view to run arbitrary commands. It highlights keywords to make everything super clear. Tree view for key lists Medis follows conventions of the Redis community, shows a tree view to category keys as you wish. High performance Medis is designed to work with millions of keys and fields without blocking servers. Alert mode Medis provides the alert mode to make sure you're safe when working with production databases. Every writeable command sent to servers will need your approval explicitly. Support JSON/MessagePack/Gzip Medis recognizes different data formats automatically so don't worry if you are using MessagePack to reduce memory usage. Binary data editor Medis is also able to edit binary data directly! SSH tunnel and SSL Medis allows you to connect to remote servers with an SSH tunnel, and it works great with SSL mode. Online Clients You are able to inspect online clients. Dark mode Of course, Medis supports dark mode!



  • Perfect for scratch redis instances

    By NoWave88
    Running an unencrypted redis alpine container to speed up my ansible fact caching. This worked perfectly for searching through a string formatted as json. The command query is nice, but I'd like to see a similar codegen to TablePlus where it not only has completion, it shows you the commands it's running. Did appreciate that it renders first-party docs as you type though! $50 at the time of writing this is a bit spendy since I don't use redis on a daily basis, but reasonable for a lifetime license that I assume can be used on multiple devices.
  • The best Redis GUI

    By Edumqr
    I've been using Medis for some months now, honestly one of the best GUI for Redis imo, easy to use, lightweight and gets the work done.
  • Great GUI For Redis

    By mctoastman
    Really enjoying the native UI when interacting directly with redis during development. Sort of like Postico but for redis.
  • Medis非常的好用!!!

    By bsi69
  • Great app with a few things missing

    By callmerein
    I've been using the electron version of medis for long, what I really like is the very compact and functional UI. Medis2 gets a noticeable improvment on responsivness, and favorite keys together with search history (hooray!), but I feel like there's still things missing. 1. The key list is not as compact as it was before, the key type tag is too visually heavy compare to how it used to be. And it's not mono space font (big drawback for me). 2. Tree view for keys is great. But it's not that useful to me if I have to open perference and change then open new window. Maybe add an option to set that for each server? Also (might be too much) I feel it's a good idea to auto expend one level if there only one node in search result 3. The 3rd column (always available editor) in original Medis is super handy. This together with #1 pushes me back to the old Medis. Possible to have an option here to have the editor poping up or embeded? I'll be very happy to buy and recommend this if above issues got solved
  • solid and easy to use product

    By Daniel S Lee
    really happy with this Redis client! This is one of the few Redis client that actually worked for me without having me scratching my head for hours. Tho I think it would be great to show the connection error it is encountering. Currently I am only seeing Medis 2 error when connection happens.
  • Why not support default db index?

    By Johnwii.C
    No Chinese interface support and no discounts for returning users. Also, should we consider supporting the default database index?
  • 都挺好为什么没有中文语言?

    By 用户隔壁老王
