noteit - bff widget

noteit - bff widget

By iconic hearts holdings, inc.

Score: 4.76347
From 91,158 Ratings


noteit is a widget on your home screen that shows you live notes from your partner.  1) add the noteit widget 2) link with your partner 3) send a note right to their home screen! noteit is perfect for staying close to the ones you care about. add your girlfriends, boyfriends, or best friends and easily send a pic or drawing to make their day :) terms of use:



  • It’s so fun

    By Peeepstyyy
  • New update

    By That guy447
    The new update has just completely ruined the app for me
  • Best app ever

    By Ali Tagz
    Me and my best friend send pics every day and text each other . It is so fun to do!
  • Ну

    By EWXUS
    Классное приложение,но немного не то что ожидалось.думали что рисовать на экране будет,а не в приложении
  • I’m having issues

    By Jack35482
    My girlfriend suggested we try this app since we’re both artist and love to doodle together. We set it up and it seems to work great on her end but her drawings won’t pop up on my widget. I’ve done almost anything and everything to try to fix it and tried to see if my settings were wrong but I can’t get the drawings shes made to appear.not sure if it’s a bug or maybe I’m not doing this right but idk.
  • used to love it :(

    By J.A.Worbs.
    i used to use this constantly while in a long distance relationship and stopped over a year and a half ago because we would dedicate admittedly a LOT of time into drawing each other pictures just to have the app fail to save our drawing AND crash, losing everything we had done. decided to try it again for sentimental purposes and my first drawing back, it didn’t save after repeatedly attempting to save AND crashed AGAIN. maybe we’re putting too much thought into a gimmicky app but making a drawing for someone for over an hour just to have the entire thing lost with no way to recover is extremely disappointing and frustrating. :( was just hoping for a sweet way to connect with my boyfriend… sad that it’s still a large waste of time.

    By Another human critic
    I like this app. It generally has good drawing functions like drawing onto pictures, zooming in, eye dropper, and you can fake gradients pretty well. I hope they add a bucket tool so I don’t have to color in by hand. BUT I HAVE TWO MAIN CONCERNS. One, it takes up so much memory and when I’m doing a semi complicated drawing it makes my phone so slow and hot. Two, it has lost my drawings so many times. Sometimes I send them and they are never received by the recipient. It is so heartbreaking to lose it.
  • deleted drawing

    By Rubia1031
    spent 30 mins drawing my partner something and it crashed when i went to send it and didn’t save it. tried to do it again, same thing. three times it deleted my work. i’m deleting the app.
  • Noteit

    By Novaxoxoxo
    I like use it !! I think it awesome way to commutative with ur family and friends/bff!!! I like it so much whoever I jut download it !!! 😍😍
  • Ilism

    By Leahh🤍
    I love how it’s just like locket js because i can’t download it i love it🩷
