Write Me: Scripts Writing App

Write Me: Scripts Writing App


  • Category: Education
  • Release Date: 2018-10-06
  • Current Version: 2.8.7
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 70.84 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later.
Score: 4.6036
From 111 Ratings


Learn To Write Language Alphabets is a FREE education app that provides a fast and easy way to learn different Languages Alphabet. With our writing recognition, you will be able to practice writing different languages alphabet correctly and hassle-free. Write Me is designed to make learning characters as easy and as fun as possible! Using a variety of mini-games, you’ll be able to immerse yourself in the Languages characters using just this mobile application! Whether you’re a complete beginner and don’t know any characters or you’re already pretty familiar and want to learn advanced characters or brush up your knowledge – Write Me has everything you need! OUR LANGUAGES WRITING MINI GAMES… Flashcards of each character and its word Character quizzes Match characters with the transcription Practice writing each character Complete the missing part of each character …. And much, much more! With so many different mini-games, challenges, quizzes to teach you characters, you’ll have hours of fun learning a new language. It may not feel like learning at all! WRITE ME – HIGHLIGHTS Many different language courses User-friendly interface is easy to navigate Individual courses covering different aspects of the characters Mini-games, flashcards, challenges and interactive games to help you learn much faster Learn to pronounce characters with a native language speaker There’s no easier way to learn Languages characters and no better time to learn than now! Write Me provides you with all the tools and guides you need to learn to write the Languages Alphabets, from the fundamentals to the advanced material. Best of all – it’s free for the first 3 units! What are you waiting for? Download Learn To Write Language Alphabets and learn how to write Languages alphabets in a very easy & fun way. We are always striving to provide the best user experience for our users. We are also looking for your feedback, suggestion or recommendation. Please, feel free to email us at "support@simyasolutions.com" so we can continue to bring you the best experiences and updates.



  • Ily

    By Mothalas
    I love this app so much because it has Khmer. And I am absolutely illiterate in Khmer so I love you for making this app ❤️
  • Tavana Dean

    By Vannahtavana
    Am learn it free lit
  • Pretty good but you have to pay for lesson 4

    By Jensheare
    So I was really happy I could learn Cyrillic script writing but then when I got to lesson 4 it said I had to pay and that made me super disappointed
  • Nice app - some annoying features

    By geogeowakeup
    Small font and low contrast colors hard to read for older eyes. Easy to delete progress and have to start over (logout or click refresh by mistake) Dictionary has nice categories and pronunciation but not translation. E.g. a list foods in Thai with pronunciation is not that useful. Reported these in feedback but no answer so far. Several feedback channels are provided. I tried all that I could find.
  • Great aid for learning Thai letters

    By George Hal
    I’ve just been using this 1 day and it has been super useful. My biggest wish is that some of the lettering was larger and has greater contrast (vs light grey on white) .
  • Great selection of hard-to-find languages!

    By Heather D
    I downloaded this app because I can practice the Burmese and Georgian writing systems - 2 languages I couldn’t find writing practice for on any other app. There are many other hard-to-find languages here. As an aspiring polyglot, I say this is a huge plus. I do wish Persian Farsi would be added, and I wish the app was built natively for iPad. But if you’re looking for an obscure language you’re having trouble finding on other apps I definitely recommend checking here. The more commonly studied languages are available as well.
  • Amazing but pls make iPad version

    By neptunie2
    Please make this app compatible with iPad. It will be nice to use the Apple Pencil for it.
  • Some questions.

    By --Mali--
    Overall the lessons are good, i am learning Thai. And my question is when i reach the Thai lesson 18, it stops loading more lessons and from what i understand is that Thai lessons has 74 all together? If that is the case…why is not uploading after lesson 18? I rated this a 3 because of the fact that I can’t move on to the next lesson higher than 18. I also rated this a 3 because of its easy to learn and fun to do , i highly recommend this as a fun way to slowly learning new languages.
  • Beautiful and Effective

    By OneMichaela
    This app is fun to use, beautiful, and makes me motivated to learn the Hebrew alphabet. It is a well-made app and makes things simple to learn!
  • Great!

    By 0000smartypants
    Highly recommend this app
