生词本 - 智能背诵提醒

生词本 - 智能背诵提醒

By 嘉夫 张

  • Category: Education
  • Release Date: 2016-06-04
  • Current Version: 6.25
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 64.38 MB
  • Developer: 嘉夫 张
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.
Score: 4.84305
From 2,281 Ratings


可能是查单词速度最快的 app,记录的单词会永远保存,支持标签管理、模糊搜索,致力于打造最极致的单词知识库软件。 背单词算法来自备受推崇的《17 天搞定 GRE 单词》一书,从记忆学的规律出发,以适当的记忆标准,用科学合理的记忆周期和严密的统筹安排来量身定制学习规划,为考生提供短时快速记忆单词的经典方法。每个单词的背词循环包括 8 个复习点,能够最大限度地提高背单词的效率、延长单词的记忆时间,在过去年数十万名用户的实践当中,已经得到了很好的证明。 iPhone、iPad、Mac 多平台,支持云同步与备份。 - 根据《17天搞定GRE单词》一书中的8个遗忘周期科学背诵单词,在单词需要复习时自动发送通知提醒,让背单词不再痛苦,记忆更加牢固。 - 显示词根词缀。 - 可以自己编辑单词的释义和例句。 - 超过30万条英、美真人发音。 - 支持查询与记录词组。 - 支持导入 Kindle 生词本。 - 支持谷歌翻译,便于记录词组、句子、专业词汇、小语种语言等词典中不存在的内容,可以自动检测并针对一百多种语言进行翻译。 - 可以给单个单词打多个标签,同时也可以检索包含某个或多个标签的所有单词,便于高效分类与整理。另外也可以针对标签安排单词背诵。 - 支持 Action Extension,从任意软件中查词并存储至生词本。 功能: - 内置词典,自动查询。 - 发音语速自由调节。 - 随时将单词生成表格并导出。 - 可以记录例句,利用语境记单词。 - 全局搜索单词/释义/例句。 - 背单词可以指定某些单词先出现中文,再出现英文。 - 纯正发音,离线朗读,不需要请求网络。 - 四种排序模式。 - 记录单词时支持输入中文进行查询。 - 没有广告。 - 会背的单词可以归纳起来,同样也不会丢失。 - 背单词内部乱序,记忆更科学。 - 3D Touch 快速记单词。 - 不会背的单词系统会自动安排加背。 - 自动检测剪贴板中的单词。 - 自动列出需要复习的单词。 - 列表可以隐藏中文/英文便于复习。 - 随机打乱单词列表。 - 在 iPad 上使用分屏功能时,在其他软件中拷贝单词,生词本会立即查询单词 用户政策条款:https://github.com/josephchang10/privacy-policy/blob/master/生词本用户协议.md 有任何问题,欢迎联系作者: 微博@张嘉夫



  • Exactly what I was looking for with one minor flaw

    By sybabcdefg
  • great app

    By JWW8888
    this app is very helpful to document and building vocabulary
  • Convenient for recording new words.

    By wxiangyu
    Good production.
  • easy to use

    By mac8273
    features designed by well done research
  • Fantastic for self-motivated English learners!

    By Person 249592
    I downloaded 百词斩 and 不背单词, but this app is the only one got the words I need! Even though 百词斩and 不背 have much more users than this, they even did not store much words as a English memorizing app should have. Maybe this is the difference in "words memorizing app" and "self dictionary app". Apparently, this one feed my need. I am a student from China studying abroad and realized even living and studying abroad for 3.5 years, my daily vocabulary increasing rate is like 2/day, which is quite slow. This will give you a better sense (3,000 words in 5 years). And the college coursework finally let me realized that there is a gap in words as the basic building brick of every academic work at school or extracurricular studies. Thus, this app is great in noting down every time I meet an unfamiliar word. Thank you so much for the two developers! It's a simple-to-use, friendly in design and communication between user and developer's app. This great app inspire me to develop good App/coding product too. Looking forward to hear how you develop this great project!
  • Very good

    By Gjnffjhy
    Very good
  • 烂 根本没背单词提醒

    By LiangjiuC
  • Easy to use

    By typhoonseye
    It is clean and easy to use.
  • laji

    By adsdasdas
  • good

    By HeidiLi90
    good APP
