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  • Adult Rating:
  • File Size: 0 bytes
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  • Compatibility: Requires iOS or later.




  • Easy quick workout

    By Rogdw
    I love that it only takes a few minutes. I enjoy using the app at work during a break to get my heart rate up and be reinvigorated.
  • Great for getting back in shape

    By Gordon Financial
    I found this appropriately challenging for getting back in shape
  • Works with music on

    By thezohar
    Simple, works with music on which is rare for 7-minute-workout apps apparently. Optional purchases for different workouts but the basic one is free. It has explanations for all the exercises. I just wish I could change the length of each segment and break.
  • Great Workout

    By Mokes7
    I enjoy doing this as soon as I get out of bed. Sometimes even twice a day. I'm 67.
  • Love Fitness22 apps!

    By Asdfvbnj
    The 7 minute workouts are great for a dynamic pre-run warmup, or for when there isn’t enough time in the day for a long workout but it feels gross to do nothing. Or combine multiple for a really decent workout. You can add dumbbells to some of the moves for a little extra kick. Highly recommend their Run tracker app as well!
  • Easy and fast

    By Anne Sal
    Perfect for a home-body like me. After I use the 5k running app, I hop on this one and do the classic 7-min workout. Not a trainer so I can’t talk effectiveness but it makes me feel good and that’s what it’s all really about, isn’t it?
  • So easy!

    By ahlitt01
    Love the voice that comes over my music. Let’s you know how much time left at 3 seconds, tells you when to rest and what is coming up next so you can prepare!
  • Nice to add on to the end of your work out

    By can'tfindauniquename
    Good quick toning routine for the end of a run/walk. G Suggestions: 15 sec between exercise. I need a little more time to change position etc. For side planks - add a 5-10 sec break/position change time in the middle of the ‘set’
  • Feel the burn!

    By Tweetie14
    Love the high intensity workout, For me I don’t regularly workout like I should. It’s hard to find the time. This made me sweat and lose my breath! Love the full body workout it gives you. Will definitely be doing this a couple times a day!
  • Been using for a year and recommend!!!

    By True Ellis 415 Native!
    Great full body workout with timer!
