Star Wars

Star Wars

By Disney

  • Category: Entertainment
  • Release Date: 2015-07-08
  • Current Version: 3.10
  • Adult Rating: 9+
  • File Size: 210.88 MB
  • Developer: Disney
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 11.0 or later.
Score: 4.42178
From 1,937 Ratings


The Star Wars app is your official mobile connection to a galaxy far, far away. With a dynamic interface, the Star Wars app immerses you in breaking news, rich media, social updates, special events, and interactive features. Here’s where the fun begins: -Get instant notifications on big announcements, including trailer releases and movie news -Theme your app with Light Side, Dark Side, or Droid interfaces, each containing different designs, sounds, and animations -Take and share a Star Wars “selfie” in various iconic costumes and settings, including Jedi, Princess Leia (with hair buns), Han Solo’s carbon freeze, and more -Get Star Wars-themed weather and five-day forecasts, featuring in-universe planets and locales -Play classic sound clips and sound effects from your favorite Star Wars characters, creatures, weapons, vehicles, and scenes -Watch official Star Wars videos, including movie trailers, The Star Wars Show, behind-the-scenes featurettes, and more -Read official Star Wars news and blogs from, including creator interviews, and more -Share emojis, animated GIFs, and stickers with your friends and family NOTE: For the best experience, we recommend using this app on an iPhone 5 or higher running iOS 9.0 and above. Headphones are suggested, especially for Force Trainer. Use Wi-Fi if experiencing connection or loading difficulties. This app contains advertising messages as well as advertising for The Walt Disney Family of Companies. Privacy Policy – Terms of Use – Your California Privacy Rights – Do Not Sell My Information – LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Before you download this experience, please consider that this app contains social media links and content, registration to create or sign in using a Star Wars ID account, and push notifications to let you know when we have updates like breaking news, additional content or new features. Please note that this is an English language app with limited features available in local languages. Some versions include regional social feeds.



  • STAR ⭐️ WARS!!!!

    By -Galactic Empire
    OMG THIS APP IS AMAZINGGGGG!!!! I am a HUGE FAN of STAR WARS and this app is perfect for me!!! I do have a few suggestions though. ☝️😊 1# ADD CLONE WARS CHARACTERS TO THE STICKERS!!!!!!!! 2# Especially clone troopers.. :v In my opinion Clones are the BEST characters in all of Star Wars! I love everything about them! (Well, massacring Jedi isn’t really something I love about them.. but still!) I would like some of the main ones, (I know you already have Rex but I would like 1st gen armor for him as well) I want, Gree, Ponds, Cody, Fives, (AND BY THE WAY I FOUND BAD BATCH STICKERS BUT WHY IS CROSSHAIR NOT IN THEM?! WHAT ARE YOU DOINNG?!) Crosshair, etc, etc. Just, basically as many clones as you can. :p Sorry if that’s difficult but clones are my fave and I would really appreciate having clones on the app. Thanks for making this amazing app! May the force be with you! And remember, with adding clones, “Do, or do not, there is no try.” -Master Yoda. -Sincerely, Star Wars Geek/fan :3 (OBEY THE EMPIRE!) All Hail Emperor Palpatine!
  • This is the worst

    By not true 69
    No do it
  • Disappointed

    By Rebel2337
    Definitely don’t understand why Disney keeps discontinuing stuff that’s how you lose interest from people who once loved Star Wars until Disney start ending some of the best stuff known completely disappointed because I loved the vr game and I was wanting to teach my kids
  • App

    By Extreme Hurricane
  • More quotes

    By Memechoas
    I was hoping for more kenobi and also clone wars quotes
  • Need this line!

    By im him🥶
    Needs grievous’s “this will be a fine addition to my collection” line. app is incomplete without this
  • They CLEARLY don’t care about this app!

    By TheOGFunk
    This was a great app a couple of years ago. But the majority of it doesn’t work / crashes when you try to open it. Especially the selfie part of the app (which was the best part).
  • Widget

    By Newtonator12
    You really need to fix the widget for basically any iOS version that supports it( ios 7 and up, plus you really need to add more stuff to the selfie camera as far as themes) its been 2yrs since y'all updated the app and it really seems like you couldn't care leas about the app, so either fix the widget or just take it off the App Store.
  • Perfect for every Star Wars fan

    By Maxim5828
    If you like Star Wars, just download the app, it‘s so good and underrated.
  • Amazing but one problem

    By steven🇲🇾🦒
    In force training mode(Sith)on acolyte sith the droid doesn’t tell you the pattern unfortunately this makes me not want to play this app anymore please fix it (BTW check over the code for all force training as the mistake may repeat
