Extreme Landings Pro

Extreme Landings Pro


  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2014-08-19
  • Current Version: 3.8.3
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 510.00 MB
  • Developer: RORTOS SRL
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 13.0 or later.
Score: 4.73665
From 1,181 Ratings


Take full control. Test your piloting skills and handle the most critical flight conditions known to man. Cope with emergencies and incidents inspired by real life scenarios in a climactic adrenaline rush. Start each engine individually, navigate between the equipment dashboard panels and be ready to solve over 5,000 possible situations in order to reach the highest pilot ranking. The simulator includes 36 missions to accomplish, 216 challenges to pass, cartography and worldwide navigation with over 500 accurate airports replicas as well as real time weather conditions. Features: - 36 missions - 216 challenges 6 of which in global competitions - 20 HD airports - Fast landing mode with global competition and 5 fault levels. - Instrument Landing System, ILS - Speed autopilot, Route, Altitude and Vertical speed - Primary Flight Display - Navigation Display - Weather Radar for managing Microburst, Ice and wind - Advanced engine system with ignition, faults and fire safety - Fuel management with weight balancing, Jettison and real consumption - Landing gears management with manual unlocking system - Full control of the rudder, flaps, reversers and spoilers - APU management - Worldwide navigation with 548 airports and 1107 usable runways, real or customizable weather conditions - Cartography with over 8000 waypoints (VOR, NDB, TACAN, DME, GPS, FIX) - Automatic Flight Planning Configuration - Cinema replay system - 3D virtual cockpit with integrated instrumentation - SRTM30 Plus real terrestrial elevation - MODIS VCF real coastline - OpenWeatherMap real-time weather conditions



  • Why I’m not too impressed with this 🎮 game.

    By 😤 Unhappy Client
    While cruising on autopilot regardless of altitude, you’re expected to input each turn upon reaching a waypoint as opposite to the Aircraft navigating the maneuver on its own. Oh! Also the graphics aren’t as realistic and breathtaking as RFS - Real Flight Simulator that I favor more.
  • 很棒

    By xinghuang1011
  • Good game but there’s a bug…

    By OceAviationLiner_727
    When I was flying a plane, it won’t turn & elevate either at the same time. So the plane won’t be able to take off & landing.
  • Great game but

    By 4-1Dan
    I’ve had this game since it was only a couple planes. Tho it has came a long way since then I would appreciate if they could add some other aircraft traffic ex air traffic controllers actually give you headings etc. and once you land the game isn’t over
  • All planes are unlocked!

    By Teothecaptain
    So my mom downloaded this game and I thought it had all planes unlocked and they were all unlocked! It is Pro! lt also has flight simulator unlocked!
  • Best flight sim

    By Zain Yussi
    Saterlight senery in the sim the best detailed planes
  • Love it but could add tri jets

    By forme🌝
    Tri jets are big planes with three engines. There could be two on the wings and one on the rudder/back or three on the rudder/back. It would be a cool feature and add on, and I would love to see it. They are beautiful planes too..! Here are some planes, for example: DC–10 and MD–11.
  • More Planes Please

    By Invincible_richard
    I’ve been playing this game for more than one year. I ask for more planes!
  • Excelente juego

    By Ergue74
    Precioso simulador!
  • Amazing game

    By Drift..-
    This game is really cool and amazing but I would like some missions with emergency landings like you can land in water and have a water landing and when you land on a normal grass land can you make it that you don’t crash every time also good game!
