Pokémon TCG Pocket

Pokémon TCG Pocket

By The Pokemon Company

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2024-10-30
  • Current Version: 1.1.2
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 251.83 MB
  • Developer: The Pokemon Company
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 13.0 or later.
Score: 4.79067
From 360,736 Ratings


Pokémon cards, played with by people in 89 countries, are now closer to you than ever! Enjoy Pokémon cards anytime, anywhere, on your mobile device! ■ You can open packs every day to get cards! Collect cards every day! You can open two booster packs every day at no cost to collect Pokémon cards featuring heartwarming illustrations from the past as well as all-new cards exclusive to this game. ■ New Pokémon cards! Immersive cards, a brand-new kind of card, make their debut here! With new illustrations that have a 3D feel, immersive cards will make you feel like you’ve leapt into the world of the card’s illustration! ■ Trade cards with friends! You can trade certain cards with friends. Use the trade feature to collect even more cards! ■ Show off your collection! You can use binders or display boards to showcase your cards and share them with the world! ■ Casual battles—alone or with friends! You can enjoy casual battles during quick breaks in your day! Terms of Use: https://www.apppokemon.com/tcgp/kiyaku/kiyaku001/rule/



  • Best game in a bit but

    By Aw3s0meKnite
    Best game in a bit but the solo battle story or solo battles, it could be slightly more rewarding. And there’s no place for beginners or anyone new to Pokémon. Every event is full of only the elite. I tried for a full hour to just get paired up with a normal looking person. That or more missions or quest especially rn. Once you finish the 4 daily tasks the only way to continue is by opening packs . Also
  • Love this game!

    By TravyD1
    I love this game just have some issues. Sometimes in versus battles when I put down a professor research it will only draw one card, or when it’s my turn I won’t have a card drawn when I have multiple cards still in my deck. Also I don’t always get a reward when someone sends a thanks. I recently pulled a snorlax from a wonder pick in the current event but it did not check it off in the missions. Other than that the game is great!
  • The battles

    By hhfhggdnfbb CB by dhcgv
    Love the game , but in battles everyone always concedes and it gets annoying.

    By Soderasan
    I know there will be many many updates but I’m already satisfied
  • Please add dark mode support to the app

    By Jabagool
    I enjoy the app for the most part, but please add dark mode support so my eyes aren’t blinded when I open packs first thing in the morning
  • Coin flip broke

    By biggerangus
    Can’t seem to get more than 2 flips per match, every match. Not a50/50 chance like it should be random number generators do this
  • Coin toss

    By aTdual
    The game is great, but the trading needs to be tweaked can’t believe I can’t trade a glaceon when it’s not even that rare a card, and the coin toss is such a terrible system I feel like it’s rigged it don’t feel like a 50/50 at all it feels like a 80/20 I lose all my matches because of that trash coin, they need to up the odds cause my opponents get all the heads and I can’t even get 1 in 2 turns, I swear if it’s found out that the more you pay for this game the better odds you get I’m uninstalling and finding a way to get my money back
  • Trash matchmaking

    By jwhdrqjrd
    Love when japanese people are protrayed as nice when every single japanese player i have run into is the most insufferable person on the planet
  • Good, but has potential to be better.

    By zae.de
    This is my honest review of Pokémon TCG Pocket as someone who has played multiple trading card games over the years. I feel like there are a few things that could be improved over time with this game to make it better and more enjoyable to play for longer periods. Firstly, this game is very simple compared to other card games on the App Store, and it almost takes away from the gameplay because some of the battles are very predictable. There has been multiple times where I’ve entered a match with someone and it’s clear by maybe one or two turns who is going to win, for the most part. Especially when certain Pokémon are used that have effects that you can’t defend against or negate, unless you have certain cards that have effects that do. I feel as though this can be improved by continuing to ‘retrain’ cards and produce them with effects attached, such as the new Pokémon variants released Triumphant Light release (such as Steel-Type Magnezone, Golbat, etc.) Also, I feel like the odds of pulling certain cards is really low. I’m not expecting to pull an EX Pokémon or anything, but I would appreciate it if the odds were at least increased for more evolution monsters that could help newer players develop quicker, such as increasing pull chances of non-EX variants of Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, etc. I feel as though there is also an issue with the coin flip system, other trading card games have had greater success with automating all coin flips to make the game quicker and smoother. I don’t feel it is too difficult for a game company like Game Freak to create an automated coin flip system for this game, as there is always a perfect balance of a 50% chance so it can’t be changed to favor any one player. And finally, I think there should be some sort of change to the reward system in regards to a player quitting a match before it ends within a certain time limit. I can’t even count how many times people have quit just because they’re about to lose, or don’t have a winning first hand. I feel as though the reward system isn’t rewarding enough to the winning player, because all that is gained from battles is XP. I’m not asking to receive a bountiful reward or anything, but maybe x1 Random Hourglass per win (Wonder Pick or Booster Pack) would be rewarding enough for me as a player to be encouraged to keep playing, because it would encourage me to play more battles to get more Hourglasses. I know Game Freak probably won’t see this comment. But if you do, I appreciate you taking the time to read it, and I hope some of the key points I mentioned are important or convincing enough to implement in some form in the future. Thank You!
  • Boring

    By Rocketing88
    After a while, the game becomes very, very boring. There's nothing new to do.
