Text to Speech - MyChat

Text to Speech - MyChat

By Motoki Takahashi

  • Category: Medical
  • Release Date: 2024-03-28
  • Current Version: 0.1.0
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 34.65 MB
  • Developer: Motoki Takahashi
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 11.0 or later.


This app is designed for situations where speaking aloud might be difficult, such as in shops, hospitals, or workplaces. It reads out text in chat format in real-time conversations. It also has a feature to register standard phrases, which can help smooth communication by indicating difficulty in speaking at the outset. Now, let's introduce the features: Simple Chat: Chat posting function Chat history saving function Chat post deletion function Account switching function (voice switching) Room Chat: Room creation, editing, and deletion functions Chat posting function Chat history saving function Chat post deletion function Account switching function (voice switching) Template: Template group creation, editing, and deletion functions Template creation, editing, and deletion functions Voice switching function In Simple Chat and Room Chat, the voice is associated with the account, and switching accounts changes the voice. In Template, the voice is associated with the template group, and each group has a fixed voice. You can set the voice for accounts or template groups from the Voice Adjustment tab.

