By ..!..,?!’
I’m in grad school getting ready for my first attempt at the CPCE exam. I needed a practice aid and selected this one. So far, my only issue is the price. $29.99 per month is a bit high for a students budget. My internship is unpaid and living on disability is already difficult. I will use the app as much as possible.
Love this!
By Professor Liquid
This app is already helping me in ways I didn’t know. I’m taking the exam next month and going from my phone is more convenient versus using a book! I feel this is going to help me pass to get that degree!!!!
I got 104/136 on my exam
By Show of hands app
You don’t find out if you pass right away but my score is way higher than several passing scores I have seen as examples of passing scores. I’m assuming I passed and that I did decent in the exam. This was my main way of studying. It was nice to just pull out my phone and study whenever I had a few free minutes.