Livetopia: Party!

Livetopia: Party!

By Century Games Pte. Ltd.

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2024-01-21
  • Current Version: 1.6.455
  • Adult Rating: 9+
  • File Size: 1.17 GB
  • Developer: Century Games Pte. Ltd.
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.
Score: 4.77041
From 1,812 Ratings


Livetopia: Party! is an open-world MMO party game that's full of exciting surprises! It's a modern city by the sea, and you'll get to meet friends from all around the world. You can be whoever you want and do whatever you like. Invite your friends to parties and start exploring the city! 【Explore!】 Play a role as a doctor, firefighter, or builder. Act like a rockstar and play your guitar on stage, race go-karts around the city, or even shock your pals as a scary zombie! 【Create!】 Design your own awesome maps and invite others to explore. Showcase your creativity to earn rewards and glories! 【Make New Friends!】 Chat and hang out with new friends in real time. Join fun mini-games together, show off your skills, and make the world see you! 【Fashion & Home Decor!】 Show your own style with over 100 costumes and accessories. Design your dream home with any furniture you like! 【Pets & Adventures!】 Adopt cute pets and go on exciting adventures together. Train them, play with them, or just relax and cuddle with them. And guess what? You can even transform into your pets and explore the world from their points of view! To learn more about Livetopia: Party!, please visit: Instagram: Facebook: Tiktok: Youtube: Discord:



  • The best

    By Tier 12
    Omg so much to do amazing game tysm developers
  • Love

    By hehevsuka vec
    I love it
  • Is it online

    By Ifhnwrhinfjeffihnsrfvnhi
    I’m worndering if it’s online it would be nice
  • My report

    By Person who played LiveTopia
    I love LiveTopia because it’s a role-play game. There’s lots of activities and things to do on LiveTopia but I have a few notes. Why when you go to the airport there is no airplane like it just doesn’t make sense and, why can you only do a limited amount of jobs like what if you need money for a car and also, why can’t the bus just give us $100 like it’s so simple and why does almost every car cost 299 gems no one has that many gems and if you do good for you. And some people need a big house, so why do they have to cost gems and the houses in real life that cost money couldn’t you just make them be free? Why can’t you just give us gems and why are some of the stuff on Lucky spin clothes. Like some of us have enough money to buy clothes. Can’t it just be like money, and also why does the exclusive packs cost so much money in real life like why? Also, why at the hotels can you not go inside like that just doesn’t make sense and why can’t you renovate other peoples houses on workshop like they forgot to add stuff.
  • It’s sooo goooooooooood

    By MON06
    You can do anything
  • I loveeeeee ittttt

    By B minimum
  • Live Topia party

    By JoJo Drisdom
    I love it and if you can play with your friends and just like a game in Roblox called life Topia, it’s so fun just like this game so I hope everyone who plays this game loves it as much as I do
  • Love

    By Ella Garrick
    This is really really a great games can you please make more like this one?

    By hehdbcghe
    It’s the best game ever but, me and my friend are getting the stuff that we don’t need and we want to trade them so please can you add trading and what is that truth underneath thing in the museum me and my friend always thought that it’s a portal but when we try to go inside there’s an invisible wall and when people buy the angel and demon wings can you make them be able to fly when they put them on please
  • Hiiiiiii

    By Jdsjksjdjkask
