Precip - Rain and Snow Totals

Precip - Rain and Snow Totals

By Precipitation Inc.

  • Category: Weather
  • Release Date: 2024-04-15
  • Current Version: 2.2.1
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 80.34 MB
  • Developer: Precipitation Inc.
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 13.0 or later.
Score: 4.743
From 607 Ratings


Precip is the best app for checking rainfall totals. With this weather app, you can automatically track rainfall amounts with extreme precision so you don't need to install rain gauges. With Precip you can: - See how much it rained anywhere in the United States or Canada - View daily rainfall totals on a calendar - See how many days since it last rained - Calculate year to date total rainfall - Compare this year's rain to 30-year normals Unlike other weather apps, Precip shows you highly accurate daily rainfall totals at precise locations. We use high resolution radar, gauge, and climatology data processed through advanced models to remotely sense precipitation without needing to install any physical instrumentation. Our data from the national weather service is continuously refined and updated to be the most accurate and useful source for monitoring rainfall, snow, and other types of precipitation. Professionals and businesses can take advantage of our full data platform for even more advanced capabilities. EULA:



  • Fix it

    By AJlmnop
    This is not Acurate
  • Jaw Dropping Inaccuracy

    By Weatherman777
    This is about as bad as it gets. It said my location got 4.7” of snow this month and in reality we got just under 24” of snow because I measure the snow myself. Also off of Lake Ontario it states they got over 1300 inches of snow which is impossible in New York State and perhaps almost anywhere in the world. Also what kind of ranges are these?? 650-1951 inches of snow, what in the world is this do not download!!! I have picture proof but can’t figure out how to put one in the review😭
  • Log in

    By HockeyPapa
    The log in email link doesn’t work with Safari (my preferred browser)
  • Stopped showing totals

    By Hg45k
    After a day or so it didn’t show any precipitation totals anymore. I don’t know what happened. If it wanted me to give an email address to sign in, it should notify me. Otherwise I’m just going to download another app like raindrop or something.
  • Snow

    By srkellums
    Your app isn’t giving accurate info regarding snowfall totals.
  • Great app

    By Dotsy49
    I love just looking up on the app instead of going outside to the rain gauge. Now I also get snow measurements too. Love it!
  • Reliable rainfall data

    By spstl1
    Finally, I have a place where I can go back and understand the precipitation that came over the last period it help helps with yard garden and farming
  • Accurate and easy to use

    By Rolling Stones > Queen
    Simple to use app, and more accurate that anything else out there. Matched my rain gauges exactly.
  • Great App!

    By Chris from Mass
    I run a design build maintain landscaping company and this is a great tool to help us protect our plant investments!
  • Love it

    By Busy Eco friend
    Gives great data
