
  • Category:
  • Release Date:
  • Current Version:
  • Adult Rating:
  • File Size: 0 bytes
  • Developer:
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS or later.




  • How do I cancel my subscription

    By Barfwinkle
    How do I cancel my subscription
  • Not even close to accurate

    By stop asking me to rate dammit
    Says there are towers on the map that are DEEP in the woods where I hunt and I know for a fact that there no roads, powerlines. Therefore no way there is a tower.
  • Click bait

    By Cmurphy0316
    Unless you pay, it is unusable.
  • Demands feedback BEFORE operating.

    By cjsexp
    This app pops up a “do you like this app? Yes/no” before running. That feels like extortion. What is one supposed to do? Next, it wants me to rate the app. Again, it has not yet run. Feels even more like extortion. It may be great! But please, it is reasonable to give us a chance to try it before demanding ratings or payment.
  • Waste of money

    By Ray Georgiano
    Cell phone data map is out of date with some of the data being from 2016. This is a ripoff.
  • Don’t know what this is

    By took advantage off
    Don’t know what the purpose of paying for this service cause I don’t know how to get my money worth out of this
  • Got Channels? I do now !!!

    By Channels Found
    This app has guided me to position my antenna to get all the channels I want. I would be lost without it!
  • Данные не соответствуют реальности

    By Lazy FM
    Только в моем дачном поселке показывается 6 базовых станций. На самом деле, их тут нет ни одной. Это приложение - ненаучная фантастика.
  • Deceiving Description!

    By Gregory Dahl
    The program indicates Cellular Booster so I thought the app would determine the closest tower to improve AT&T Wireless performance. I was under the impression that the network would randomly change based upon various stronger signals or could allow a manual change accordingly. The app is simply worthless unless you are hiking with an antenna. I am not angry because I am used to worthless apps.
  • Works!

    By dslang
    Finds them all and in detail!
