Introducing a fantastic photo editing app that brightens dark photos! This app automatically adjusts dark photos to be brighter with just a tap. Conversely, it appropriately darkens photos that are too bright. Even photos of dimly lit indoor scenes or night views can be transformed into attractive brightness with just a single tap. Photos where faces are hard to see due to backlighting or are too dark to view well are brightened for better visibility. If you have photos with such issues, please give this app a try. It's free, so you can use it casually. * There is also a paid "PRO" version without ads. There are no differences in app functionality. 【How to Use】 1. Tap "Select Image" to choose a photo. 2. Tap "Preview" to apply brightness adjustments. 3. Tap "Save as PNG" or "Save as JPEG" to save the photo in the respective format. 〇 To check the original image or the preview image, tap the "Zoom" button at the top right. To exit the viewer screen, tap the "×" button at the top right of the viewer and return to the original main screen.