

By CINC Systems

  • Category: Business
  • Release Date: 2023-06-01
  • Current Version: 8.6.1
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 83.39 MB
  • Developer: CINC Systems
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later.
Score: 1.44444
From 9 Ratings


The CommArea Homeowner and Board App is a mobile-friendly way to interface with your community association. You will be able to make payments, view your account, and access community information all in one place. If you already have a login to your association website, you can login to the App using the same email address and password you use for your association website. If you do not have a current login to your association site, simply click the register button and submit your information. Once your registration is approved, you will receive an email with a link to set your password and then you will be able to log into your account directly from this app. If you already have a login and do not remember your password, click the Forgot Password link, enter your email address to request a password reset and you will receive an email with a link to set your password. Once set, you can login with your email address and new password. Once logged in, Homeowners will have direct access to the following features: a. Easily switch between accounts if multiple properties are owned b. Homeowner Dashboard c. Access association documents d. Access association directories e. Access association photos f. Access Contact Us Page g. Pay Assessments h. Access violations – add comments and take pictures from mobile device to add to violation i. Submit ACC Requests and include pictures and attachments (pictures can be taken from mobile device) j. Access homeowner ledger k. Submit work orders and check on status of their work orders (add comments and take pictures from mobile device) In addition, Board Members will be able to take advantage of the following features: a. Board Tasks b. ACC Review c. Board documents d. Violations Review e. Invoice Approval f. Work Order Review



  • Alex S

    By Alex_lat
    Tried to make a payment, neither eCheck nor CC worked. Tried to make a reservation, only rules are available, recommending to send an email to the management. Why do I need to have this useless app, which still collected my bank and CC information, and I am not sure that it is secure enough with them. Trash!
  • Worse App

    By PhiladelphiaLilly
    This app does not even deserve a one star review. I wish i could give it a zero. I will go to clubhouse tomorrow to see if the Seabreeze person and tell me why the HOA is deducted flawlessly ever month but the Master Community fee is always a mess and won't recognize the EXACT SAME ACCOUNT the HOA fee is deducted from monthly. Same Company . Talking to business office staff is an exercise in futility.
  • Need improvement

    By Diunilm
    This app need real technology improvement
