511 Wisconsin Road Conditions

511 Wisconsin Road Conditions

By LW Brands, LLC

  • Category: Navigation
  • Release Date: 2023-03-29
  • Current Version: 2.0.6
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 24.83 MB
  • Developer: LW Brands, LLC
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 15.0 or later.
Score: 4.606
From 467 Ratings


The best way to view Wisconsin 511 traffic alerts, road conditions and travel information. MAIN FEATURES INCLUDE: + WisDOT 511 Traffic Incidents + Road Closures & Planned Events + Customizable Push Notifications + CCTV Traffic Cameras + Home Screen Widgets + Winter Driving Weather TRAFFIC INCIDENTS INCLUDE: Traffic collisions, advisories, hazards, weather / wind advisories, heavy traffic, road closures, planned construction LIVE STREAM CCTV CAMERAS Create customized groups of CCTV cameras for viewing traffic on your route. This feature gives users a quick way of assessing road and traffic conditions. HOME SCREEN CAMERA WIDGETS Add up to (4) home screen widgets displaying your favorite CCTV cams. PUSH NOTIFICATIONS Track WisDOT incidents and receive Push Notifications when new updates are available. The app also sends notifications when an incident is no longer being tracked by WisDOT. This feature is critical for staying up-to-date on road closures due to accidents. WINTER DRIVING WEATHER: - NOAA Snowfall Reports - Current Radar - NWS Watches & Warnings - Winter Weather Severity Index TERMS & CONDITIONS https://lwbrandsllc.com/wisconsin-road-conditions-app-terms-conditions/



  • Subscribe

    By jplnf
    Don’t do it! It’s a bad as handing a homeless crackhead five dollars
  • ICE??

    By sami0801
    Whyyyy take away the ice category on the road conditions map?? 😩 Literally the whole reason I BOUGHT the subscription! I’m not as worried about snow as I am ice for my commute. Cancelling and unsubscribing until that feature returns.
  • Chose this one Not The Blue Icon!

    By only5cents
    I had the one above and it’s bad. I just loaded this on my iPhone and I’m impressed at what I see. 👍
  • Locked behind paywall

    By kt467
    Paywall for 511 traveler into 🤣
  • Road trip

    By Headimpac
    I called on the phone for road information and all it did was repeat what I asked. This system needs a live person. I didn't get any information on road conditions from Wisconsin to Minnesota.
  • Kk

    By roberts Networking LLC
    Camera been down forever and they quality is terrible for what our taxes pay for
  • Quick and Easy Traffic Info

    By ScaughtNull
    I used to visit the government website for traffic cams which can be a bit of a hassle. This app provides the same exact footage and allows you to organize a group of cameras instead of making you search every time. Its perfect for checking the road conditions during our recent snowstorms so I recommend it to every WI commuter
  • Worth it

    By Rlane01
    Very handy. I’d have paid for this if it weren’t free! We do a lot of highway driving so I check them at least twice a day. This makes it was more convenient.
  • Excellent

    By wittho
    SUPER easy to use! I downloaded it and added several routes with multiple cameras in less than 5 minutes.
  • Exactly what you need for your commute

    By Ogspeedman
    If you download this app, I assume you’re no stranger to the ebbs and flows of the Milwaukee traffic. The app helps solve the problem of do I take 43 or 94 without having to rely on stale google maps. Also, no adds or bugs. Extremely smooth and easy to use
