

By C-Command Software, LLC

  • Category: Productivity
  • Release Date: 2011-03-24
  • Current Version: 1.9.16
  • Adult Rating: 17+
  • File Size: 31.45 MB
  • Developer: C-Command Software, LLC
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 10.13 or later.


Collect notes, e-mails, and Web pages on your Mac, and search them instantly. EagleFiler makes organizing and managing your information easy. It lets you archive and search mail, Web pages, PDF files, word processing documents, images, and more. Use it to collect information from a variety of sources. Browse different types of files using a familiar three-pane interface. Organize them into folders and annotate them with tags and notes, or leave everything in one folder and pin-point the information you need using the live search. Since EagleFiler stores its library in Finder format, you can use it in concert with the other tools in your Mac ecosystem. EagleFiler in a nutshell: * With a single keypress, import Web pages, mail messages, or any file on your Mac. * EagleFiler stores them in an open format: regular files and folders that are fully accessible to your other applications. * Optionally: encrypt the files, add tags, notes, color-coded labels, and other metadata. * Browse by folder or by tag, or use the live search or smart folders to find the information you need (faster than Spotlight). * View, edit, or create documents directly in EagleFiler's streamlined interface, or double-click to edit using another application. What can you do with EagleFiler? EagleFiler is a digital filing cabinet, an information organizer, and a snippet manager. You can use it to write a journal, track the files for a project or job, save your favorite Web pages locally, store financial statements, run a paperless office, plan a trip, archive your e-mail correspondence, search mailing list archives, or research a purchase. Use EagleFiler as a bookmark manager, a recipe database, and an issue tracker. Store scientific papers, assemble a scrapbook, or gather notes for a legal case or college course. It’s the most flexible tool on your Mac. “It’s a vital tool for the digital pack rat.…The application’s tagging, note-taking, and searching capabilities make finding that one file you stored in EagleFiler a year ago and want to retrieve today a cinch.” —Macworld “EagleFiler combines ease of use with an underlying ingenuity that makes it feel simple, fast, and lightweight. It’s packed with too many clever touches for me to list.” —TidBITS “Using EagleFiler, I can now stop fussing with organization tools and just get myself organized.” —InformationWeek



  • Decent, not great

    By ntrop9
    Does its job, but slowly. Took quite a while to index an MBOX file. Seems to be single threaded. Priced a little high. $20-30 would be a more reasonable target.
  • Update: Figured it out

    By Nils Strand
    I am updating this review. Initially, I was unable to select multiple mailboxes in Apple Mail and have the program work (granted these were very large mailboxes). However, when I selected individual mailboxes, even the large ones, it seemed to work fine.
  • Works Beautifully!

    By j182749502
    What I needed was a simple mbox file viewer to look at my email archive I had downloaded from Gmail. I always wanted to reach inbox zero and this app made it possible. It was exaclty what I was looking for...simple to import and easy to search through. Had no hiccups at all.
  • Clever and versatile

    By flowcontrol
    My primary reason for buying this was to safely archive my email in case Apple Mail mangles my old messages during a macOS upgrade. But it’s obviously useful for many more organizational needs. This is not the easiest software to learn, so I used the 30-day free trial from the website to take time with the online manual and understand how it works. After only a week or two of testing with my files, I decided this was a definite BUY. The only reason I dropped a star is that it is not the most intuitive software to learn, but it will reward those who stick with it and study it.
  • Best $40.00 I’ve Spent At The App Store!!!!!

    By C_H_M
    So…my need. I have a small private practice where file management is EXTREMELY important. Over the 15 or so years I’ve been in business I’ve used numerous programs successfully, but the problem has always been that if I want to switch file management software, it’s all resident on the software I’m utilizing at the time. Again, I find myself having to make a switch because the my then current software wants to switch to a cloud based service and charge a monthly fee. In looking for a new choice I find Eagle. I’m hesitant, but I give it a try. It’s been about a month and all I have to say is THE PROGRAM ROCKS!!!!! I can append notes, organize by color, add tags and key words to search by, have alternate file names, capture what I’m working on and have it dropped in folders that I select, all while storing the information in a non proprietary format (all available in finder). The only downside I’ve found is that I have to refresh a folder in Eagle for it to see on occasion. A small price to pay. I had one support request, and that was answered within hours!! Just an amazing utility to help me keep track of my work. A thousand thanks to the Developer.
  • Tags with Spaces!

    By Bobby T.
    Woo hoo, tag can finally have spaces! I haven’t tested it yet, but the app shoud finally play nicely with my existing files (which was a major annoyance for me in the last version).
  • Works as advertised

    By Navydavy87
    Wanted to replace another Document Management app with it. From the write ups it sounded like it might work out just fine. Purchased it, downloaded and installed it. Ran it and it crashed the very first time I tried to run it. I’m running an iMac late 2009 with Sierra 10.12.5. Everything runs fine. #.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 16 GNB 1067 MHz DDr3 memory. Not very happy with this application and have uninstalled. Wish there had been a trial version then I wouldn’t have spent $39.99 for nothing. I originally wrote this review expressing concern about the apps performance. I was contacted by the developer and by working with them I was able to get it working. I thank them for reaching out and helping me to get this application working. It is going to make a big difference in my document management now. They have great customer support and this is a very good application. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for Document Management.
  • Keeps me on top of things

    By pgiltner
    I use this as a central repository of all my junk both at work and at home, and I am able to find stuff from years back because of it.
  • great productivity app

    By Pietrosiorpaes
    I have been using this app for over two years, it has become essential in my workflow, and I am extremely happy with it. The fact that the app does not lock me into using it, and that the developer is very responsive to emails and is constantly (albeit slowly) improving the app make Eaglefiler all the more compelling. Strongly recommended
  • Long-time user

    By Andy's 100% unique nickname
    I've used EagleFiler user for years to grab web pages for offline archiving. It's never given me a moment's grief. I'm kind of a packrat so I probably write to it 95% of the time and read from it 5% of the time. But that 5% is really nice to have when I need it. And no online bookmark manager can match EagleFiler's lookup speed.
