Clay and Buck

Clay and Buck

By Premiere Radio Networks, Inc.

  • Category: News
  • Release Date: 2023-01-18
  • Current Version: 1.2
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 71.33 MB
  • Developer: Premiere Radio Networks, Inc.
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 13.4 or later.
Score: 3.78788
From 99 Ratings


Voices of sanity i an insane world – Clay Travis and Buck Sexton break down the news of the day in the world of politics, sports, and pop culture. Combining intelligence with humor, Clay and Buck provide a refreshing outlet for truth seekers everywhere and a win for team reality. Hop on board their unsinkable aircraft carrier of free speech – they’ll have you thinking and laughing. Terms & Condition : Privacy Policy:



  • 👍🏼

    By Smulvihi
    Love the content, app can be hinky
  • Buckaroo and the Cowboy

    By snedekercw
    Buck and Clay are two outstanding individuals with their fingers on the political pulse of this nation. Keep up the fantastic work, and don’t ever, ever tap out or ring the bell. Keep the faith Gentlemen. Head on a swivel Buckaroo for the Cowboy (Clay).
  • Apple subscriber but now have ads. Lots and lots of ads

    By Stray_Trons
    I have been a clean box subscriber for a couple of years and, while the Apple Store app did have a few problems in the beginning, they were mostly ironed out early on. This latest version apparently doesn’t understand the difference between a subscriber and a casual listener because it seems like every three minutes, the audio just stops and I’m listening to Ned, then another ad, then another ad, ad nauseam. If this doesn’t get fixed by the time, my subscription expires I’m not going to renew. Why would I pay $50 a year for an ad free podcast that’s full of ads?
  • Clay &Buck rock

    By Ottolookalike1
    C & B do Rush proud ! With insightful political commentary along with humor and once in awhile they might teach you something new !
  • App improvements

    By TNS021
    In the past, I had the problems other reviewers have reported. The last few updates however, have fixed the issues. At least I haven’t experienced any issues that frustrate me like they used to.
  • Disappointed

    By SRWMR
    I joined VIP to watch live. Not able to watch live video in landscape mode. Portrait mode has play button icon right in the middle of the screen. App is really useless.
  • Too many delays in posting podcasts for VIP members

    By suscriber99999
    Commercial-free podcasts are often posted too late in the day which makes their content outdated. Purchasing a VIP membership has become worthless and I will not renew.
  • Lacking excellence

    By Bervo
    I’m a paid subscriber and I was a member of Rush 24/7 and loved it. Yes, there were bugs from time to time but this is disappointing. I like to listen about an hour or 2 behind the live broadcast. Often times it takes till the end of the day to get the most recent show. Other times hour 2 and 3 show up but no hour one. Now when listening, the show stops playing when my screen dims off. This is an excellent show and Rush would be proud but he’d never let an app with this level of performance go to market. No resolution to the issues. In fact they are worse and the developer will not respond to email. What in the point of the 24/7 membership? Spotify gets the daily podcast before this app does!
  • App is 50/50

    By juliholi
    Not great for listening live and being able to pause, rewind, etc.
  • Truth to power

    By Doomer Rudy
    C & B are the best !! Great incites into todays events with humor and great moral values !! Try it for a couple of days and then make your assumption ! You can’t lose !