

By George Garside

  • Category: Developer Tools
  • Release Date: 2022-12-28
  • Current Version: 1.0
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 3.02 MB
  • Developer: George Garside
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 14.0 or later.
Score: 4.2
From 10 Ratings


Phone running slowly, charging slowly or low brightness? See if your device is overheating using Thermals. Thermals displays your device’s thermal state, as well as how many processors are active on your device and its uptime, as reported by iOS. Thermals helps troubleshoot: • Poor performance — iOS reduces processor speed and potentially disables processors temporarily when the device is hot. • Slow charging — battery charging causes a lot of heat and iOS can limit charging speed to reduce the additional heat that might make a device too hot. • Low maximum brightness — if your device screen stays dark despite being on full brightness, it could be limited by iOS due to heat. • Manufacturing defects — if not all processors are active when the device is cool and not in low power mode. Your device's thermal state is monitored regularly in the background and recorded in the app (if Background App Refresh is enabled). Open the app or tap the widget to record a data point manually. Export the raw data to file for corroboration with Screen Time, Xcode's Instruments, or other development tools. Also an independent Apple Watch app shows the thermal status, active processors and uptime, and thermal history of your watch.



  • good

    By sofeepie
    could have more features, but it does what it says perfectly
  • Suggested add these features

    By Bam$tudios
    - custom colors when thermal state changes - clear history - hardware monitoring real time I love it app so much so honestly so helpful my iPhone keep cool down.
  • Love the concept, but additional details would be nice

    By jfresh330
    Additional details when exporting the throttle history like smartphone temperature in C or F, battery percentage, CPU clock speed, etc.
