Gedik Holding Mobile; PRODUCT FOCUSED HOME Quick product search (Product Name, AWS or EN NORM) Gedik story design In-app shortcuts • Categories Welding calculation Featured products New products MENU • Change language • Live support Frequently used shortcuts • Our other applications CATALOGS AND Product catalogs Academy catalogs GEDİK WELDING SOCIAL AND CONTACT • Most of our social media accounts current posts and interactions. • Institutional information and communication. PRODUCT DETAIL • All details about the product on one page Product brochure (view, download and share) Product sharing Technical details of the product • Listing products similar to the product GEDİK WELDING Gedik Welding, one of Europe's largest welding consumables manufacturers, exports its products to more than 100 countries under its internationally registered trademarks GeKa and GeKaTec. The company produces welding machines and welding automation equipment offering robotic solutions under the brand name GeKaMac. Gedik Welding was founded in 1963 and is today a global industry leader in welding consumables and equipment. The company manufactures approximately 100,000 tons of high quality covered welding electrodes, arc, submerged and cored type welding wires as well as rectifiers, gas and submerged arc welding machines, inverter type welding machines and welding generators. WELDING ELECTRODES, WIRES AND DUSTS One of the most important roles in welding quality is undoubtedly the welding consumables we use. WELDING MACHINES For each application, you can find the right welding machine for your needs in welding machines under the assurance of GEDIK WELDING. WELDING EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES GeKa and GeKaMac have been specially designed to facilitate your welding work and to ensure your safety. Welding Calculation