60 Seconds! Reatomized

60 Seconds! Reatomized

By Robot Gentleman sp. z o.o.

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2021-05-25
  • Current Version: 1.2.5
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 414.73 MB
  • Developer: Robot Gentleman sp. z o.o.
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.
Score: 4.75749
From 1,468 Ratings


Dolores, Ted, Mary Jane and Timmy return to face the nuclear apocalypse in this new, remastered edition of the classic atomic adventure - 60 Seconds! Reatomized, featuring high resolution art support, refreshed 2D graphics and hand-drawn 3D textures, new interactive menu, improved UI system, a technical refresh, and of course... new content! NEW GAMEPLAY MODE Survival Challenges - unique, short storylines which will put your survival skills to the test! NEW OPPORTUNITIES to escape the wasteland in form of a storyline spanning across multiple playthroughs! Can you escape the wasteland in style? NEW RELATIONSHIP SYSTEM more stories and crazy interactions between the McDoodle family members! NEW SOUNDS, ART AND UNLOCKABLE VISUAL CONTENT allowing you to add a little color to your fallout shelter! NEW ACHIEVEMENTS! With only 60 seconds left to impact, go on a mad dash through the house in search of family members and useful supplies. Everything will be against you: time, your very own furniture, a house that's different every time you play, and the fundamental question... what to take with you and who to leave behind? Reaching the fallout shelter in time, alive, is only the beginning. Whatever you scavenged and whoever you saved will play a vital role in your survival. Each survival story will be different, with every day surprising you with unexpected events. Will all of these stories end well? It's up to you. Ration food and water, make best use of your supplies, face difficult choices and even venture into the wasteland. Good luck.



  • Lsksjdhnenens

    By Don’t download warning
    I love this game so much i even made it to day 179 (my top day) and its sooo easy to get good at.It has many twists in it but still fun.If i could update the game it would be more characters items and more “yes or no’” times:)
  • Fun game

    Had lots of fun!
  • Best mobile game ever

    By ct3765
    This game is 100% worth the money and is very fun and challenging Definitely recommend
  • 60 secends to write this review

    By hsjzjsjznxnndnd
    good game challenge do make me mad but it still fun i made to 125 days course i’m good and good to play pancake is my favorite character in the cat god name amen
  • Wonderful Game!!!

    By CJcandybat
    This game is so much fun to play. I haven’t played all the challenges yet but I will in the future. 60 seconds Reatomized is more than adventure, is it like a puzzle. Don’t make a wrong decision or it all goes wrong. This game is definitely worth all the money. It is definitely hard to get bored of this game.I recommend getting it. I have zero complaints.
  • 60 Seconds

    By Savannah Shep
    This game is so fun! I just downloaded it because I saw my favorite youtubers Gloom and Kubz Scouts play it. It is so entertaining and they have so many challenges for you to choose from! I love this game so much!!
  • Greatest game ever but there should be a higher chance of Mary Jane, getting bitten by a spider

    By Lord Emils
    Too hard to get that much endings and just for the expeditions like why does everybody take so little stuff? Can you fix that please
  • 60 Seconds go boom

    By Zendaya10377
    Uhh.. 10/10, uh- Mary Jane… Yeah 👍
  • Great!

    By Alex lochhead
    Just such a good fun game
  • beautiful

    By beachbabt
    So fun to play especially the crazy cat lady ending I could play this for days. I was on a 7 h road trip I played this for 5h
