Feedly Classic

Feedly Classic

By Feedly Inc.

  • Category: News
  • Release Date: 2018-11-02
  • Current Version: 1.0
  • Adult Rating: 17+
  • File Size: 28.26 MB
  • Developer: Feedly Inc.
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 10.0 or later.
Score: 4.76123
From 846 Ratings


In November 2018, we will be launching the next generation Feedly mobile app. We collaborated very closely with over 4,000 Feedly users over five months to create a new design we think is both simpler and more powerful. But we know that some users will prefer the old design - old habit die hard. Out of respect to those users, we are leaving a classic version of the app behind. Love the web? Love reading? Join the Feedly mobile lab and participate in the design of the next feedly: https://blog.feedly.com/introducing-the-mobileai-lab/



  • Everything an RSS reader needs to be and nothing more

    By The App Analysis Machine
    What more could you ask for? This is truly the pinnacle of Internet content consumption. It's dead simple. No distracting ads. Easy to tap through to open articles in the app and then in the browser.
  • Was Way better.

    By Colin Stuart
    Updating old review: app crashes when trying to login with google account. People have reported this for over a year. The app is finally dead I guess. Original: So much better than the new app. Actually looks the way it’s supposed to.
  • Previous bug was caused by maintenance

    By trctrctrctrctrc
    All good! Just planned maintenance. Thank you for keeping your status page updated.
  • Is Feedly related to Elon Musk?

    By MindalooCO
    Why is Elon Musk’s name and face all over Feedly’s info? I’ve done a little research into it and these two don’t seem related, so what’s the deal? I’d prefer to NOT support anything Musk is involved with, if I can help it. Is using Feedly somehow supporting him?
  • Latest iOS update borked the app

    By PeepingSpider
    I love Feedly Classic, but the latest iOS update causes the app to shrink to half screen when you leave the app and come back to it. You have to shut it down and reopen each time. I hope Feedly is still serving us Classic lovers updates.
  • I will always miss Google's RSS reader

    By Lokemper
    But Feedly makes up for the loss.
  • Google account crashes app

    By projektile
    I can’t enter my Google login. As soon as I try and confirm my account, app crashes, and takes me back to the home screen. It’s been like this for months. somebody fix it.
  • Google issues

    By A. Non Ymus
    Was logged out and google keeps crashing. Unable to log back in!
  • Google account catnot login

    By makisekurisu_jp
    Google account catnot login
  • Far superior than the new Feedly app

    By joelcarlos
    I don’t understand how this old “classic” version is still way superior than the “new” Feedly. 🤷🏻‍♂️ If they add the option for dark mode in sync with the phone, this app would be perfect. I would happily pay for this app.
