Five Nights at Freddy's: SL

Five Nights at Freddy's: SL


  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2017-01-03
  • Current Version: 2.0.3
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 299.50 MB
  • Developer: CLICKTEAM LLC USA
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.
Score: 4.43434
From 10,828 Ratings


NOTE: Remastered version from the PC version. A device with at least 3 GB of RAM is required for this game to run properly. Welcome to Circus Baby's Pizza World, where family fun and interactivity go beyond anything you've seen at those *other* pizza places! With cutting-edge animatronic entertainers that will knock your kids' socks off, as well as customized pizza catering, no party is complete without Circus Baby and the gang! Now hiring: Late night technician. Must enjoy cramped spaces and be comfortable around active machinery. Not responsible for death or dismemberment. NOTE: Interface and audio in English. Subtitles in English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish (Latin America), Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean. #MadeWithFusion



  • Best game

    By Cobrax101
    This is the best game in the series hands down. If you want a story game go ahead and play night 1-5. If you want a strategy game similar to early fnaf games then play the ennard boss fight or custom night. There is so much content and so much story that you can’t stop playing this game until you fully beat it.
  • сука

    By нупиздец42
    Где мой отзыв?
  • love it big fan but i have a big problem

    By alexnadria loveskpop
    so -Five nights at Freddy’s fan for so long I would I got the game. I’m super excited I play through the story part and I was trying to get to the second star to get custom nights and it seems like there’s a fourth stop in the miniature game I will get through the first part of the game, the middle and then when it hits the end where I am getting ready to do the last bit of it it seems to stop me and I end up dying because I can’t jump or do anything

    By Roxas Fan
    I would recommend if u love scary games:’

    By Luniume fan
  • This is the best game

    By nitap2905
    this is the best game
  • Loved this game

    By URAverageDIEHARDFNaFFan
    I have loved FNaF since 2014. This game gives me nostalgia of playing FNaF 3 in long car rides. From being 7 to now 17, I still I’ve this game. It is challenging and the controls are good. This is my favorite game on molbile due to the amazing controls. I love the concept of the game, but please make night 4 easier. Other than that, this game is amazing.
  • Small button for my liking

    By NicZt327
    Really good game but the number keypad on pc is too stressful and I think the number pads are a bit too small
  • This game is amazing!!

    By GoldDemom54
    I am a huge fnaf fan and I really love this game. It has the best graphics and gameplay.
  • Fun but night 4….

    By Nicest Fox
    Omg love the game but 1 problem, NIGHT 4 IS SOOOOO HARD. No matter what i do the minirinas always get me😭 i suggest getting the game tho 😘🤣
