Alarm Clock: & Sleep Timer

Alarm Clock: & Sleep Timer

By Vitalii Gryniuk

  • Category: Utilities
  • Release Date: 2016-05-16
  • Current Version: 2.4
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 53.95 MB
  • Developer: Vitalii Gryniuk
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later.
Score: 4.39245
From 530 Ratings


Wake up easy and go to Sleep with your Favorites Music. Alarm clock, features: - 12/24 hour time mode - iTunes music for alarm - 6 different nature sounds - Bedside clock - Adjustable snooze time (optional) - Adjustable brightness - 16,7 million colors of digital clock - Sleep timer with iTunes music - Widget Use tips: - Adjust brightness: swipe diagonally from left bottom to right top. - Add alarm: tap "+" button or double tap on "Alarm" icon - Delete alarm: swipe left. - Stop alarm from the lock screen: push volume down button. Alarm Clock: Missed alarm will automatically repeat again after 10 minutes. For use as home clock: disable option "Auto-Lock" in app settings. About alarm option "Touch Device to Snooze": - Work when screen locked - Easy touch to device for activation snooze - Recommended place device on nightstand - If device in hand, snooze activated after 3 seconds - You can't set vibration with alarm



  • Pretty good

    By Teddybearlover235
    Sometimes it doesn’t work at all. I find the white stripes on the display to be too bright, and I wish they would make them a different color or go away completely. Also need to add a vibration option.
  • Don’t trust!!

    By Txauctioneer1972
    The alarm goes off maybe one in 10 times. No rhyme nor reason, just doesn’t work
  • Needs work

    By IT Specislist
    Alarm graphics are good and you can set multiple alarms. Since I work different hours each day, this is nice. However, alarm only sounds fit 5 seconds and shuts off on its own,…. Really??? Whoever designed this obviously doesn’t use alarm clocks
  • This app is great

    By Poorscratcher
    I absolutely love this app so much works good
  • I can’t get this to use song clips

    By CountrySixStringer
    I got this app to use not only alarm sounds, but to also wake up to music. This app has been frustrating to say the least. I choose the 20 second song piece and it lists it when saved, but what I get is either an alarm or nothing… no music. Rant over
  • Yony bravo

    By edv bgh
    Es buena
  • Not Reliable

    By TheCraziestBird523
    So I’ve had this alarm for about two weeks now and so far it has not gone off 4 times. 40% failure rate. Thank God I have kids or I’d be out of the job. I wasted the money on the premium app only to find out this alarm isnt reliable. Great potential but the developer appears to have moved on. Last update was a year ago. I would not waste your money or your time with this app.

    By Scubatoy
    Purchased the premium app, because I liked the stock alarm sounds and I wanted to unlock the snooze function. The snooze does NOT work. I absolutely do not recommend this app if snooze is important to you.
  • Good graphics

    By fhjhfrg
    I like the functions. Easy to use. I use all features at some point. Love the graphics
  • Alarm went off 1 Time???

    By DLotud
    I set the alarm and watched it and it does not go off anymore. Thought I had something blocked on my phone. Nothing. Nice features on the alarm I even like the ocean waves but the alarm hast to work as it is a no fail mission. It has to work!
