Rusty Lake Hotel

Rusty Lake Hotel

By Rusty Lake

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2015-12-14
  • Current Version: 1.4
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 44.31 MB
  • Developer: Rusty Lake
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later.
Score: 4.75448
From 1,450 Ratings


Welcome our guests to the Rusty Lake Hotel and make sure they will have a pleasant stay. There will be 5 dinners this week. Make sure every dinner is worth dying for. Rusty Lake Hotel is a mysterious point-and-click adventure by the creators of the Rusty Lake & Cube Escape series. Features: - Pick-up-and-play: easy to start, but it will be hard to put down - Tons of puzzles: a total of 6 rooms full of unique and various brain teasers - Thrilling and engaging story: there will be 5 dinners with intriguing guests and staff - Full of suspense and atmosphere: Rusty Lake Hotel is a surreal place, where anything can happen… - Impressive soundtrack: every room has its own designed theme song - Achievements: an all-time gallery you've never seen before We will unfold the mysteries of Rusty Lake one step at a time, follow us @rustylakecom.



  • 入啊四题雷克

    By tradermike888
    真的超喜欢这个作品!!!是我第一个爱上的烧脑解密游戏 其他系列也有在玩!特别是Escape cube的合集系列!!还差birthday一章就全通关!但是目前还没有拿到全成就QAQ感觉不看攻略很难过关!
  • Iconic Game

    By bnard525
    EVERY gamer should have this title and play!
  • Awesome!

    By V.L.W :)
    Omg this was so good! Really enjoyed! At the end my mind clicked when we saw the detective from cube escape going up the elevator! Epic lore!🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
  • Potential, but too much random luck to be 5 star

    By bookfreak9
    Game play was fun and I did enjoy the adventure. However, it definitely relies too much on random choice to be able to get full scores on each level. For example, and a bit of a spoiler alert here, you have to complete recipes to get maximum stars in the game. And that depends on some random choice of which character you choose to go after first. If you pick them in the wrong order, there is no way to get a perfect score. That bothers me…. Solid game, but definitely room for improvement!
  • Could use hints!

    By CindiL
    Clever game but I had to read a walk through to make it all the way through.
  • Dark Puzzle Game

    By BriannaOvervold
    Rusty Lake is a phenomenal game series, it’s whimsical & it makes you think :) Rusty Lake Hotel is rad, Roots & Paradise are amazing too!
  • Very fun, room for error

    By Jimmioo
    I enjoyed this game a lot. I thought the concept was very creative and all the rusty lake games impress me as a whole. However I didn't like how you can progress and follow through the game and still miss some things. You can redo rooms but can't go back to some lobby objectives that were missed. Even so, it's hard to be certain an ingredient missed will be found redoing a particular room.
  • I’m confused

    By Eve sutek
    I finished the game, it was amazing, I highly recommend it but I don’t know what the second game is, it doesn’t tell you, but if someone could tell me so I can continue that would be great, thank you.
  • One of my favorites

    By Missblondgurl
    I’m a 33 year old mom and don’t usually play games on my phone, but Samsara Room happened to come across recommendations in the App Store and my kid was asleep so figured why not. I’ve now played almost every single game Rusty Lake offers, including the ones that cost money. This one is probably close to my favorite in the collection. I love the different rooms for the characters. This was also probably one of the hardest in the collection, but not hard enough to give in! This game is simply brilliant. Please keep the games in this series coming, I will keep playing!
  • Amazing!❤️

    By SAoO!!!!!!!!!!!
    Great series, finished everything in each game, what’s next? Also, I know that the *spoiler alert* Code you get for a perfect score must be used for something, but what? It’s 1894, the year after the year in which the game is set. Keep it up!
