Sid Meier's Colonization

Sid Meier's Colonization

By Atari

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2015-08-21
  • Current Version: 2.4
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 16.96 MB
  • Developer: Atari
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later.
Score: 2.2449
From 196 Ratings


The Tradition of Civilization Continues The New World lies before you with all its peril, promise and infinite possibility. Your colonists anxiously follow you to shore. The treasures of an entire continent await you. Finally, the much-anticipated follow-up to Civilization is here! Sid Meier's Colonization takes you into the Colonial Era to discover, explore and colonize vast territories that promise both danger and reward. Play one of four colonial powers as you set sail to discover the New World. Explore new lands and strategically plant your first colony. Direct its growth, manage its resources and establish lucrative trade routes. Balance economics, political and military strategy to create your own powerful nation. But beware of your enemies! Angry natives and rival powers can encroach upon your territory. You'll have to overcome your foes with superior military strategy and wily diplomacy. Only then can you launch your revolution and declare your independence. Colonization, The newest strategy game from Sid Meier continues the great tradition of Civilization. —User Reviews— “The game is a rich and varied Gestalt of top colony activity. Strategies must be divined with care, and constantly modified to ride the chaotic rapids of the thousands of interactive elements in this opus of creative genius. Perhaps. Or it could just be a damn fine game.” “Colonization offers hours and hours of entertainment. I played it for over a week to write this review and it commanded my total concentration all the time to play it once through. Because the game can be very different every time you play it, this means that Colonization is the sort of game you could play for ever.” FEATURES • Manage your growth, development and trade to create a powerful nation. • Pit your strategic skills against Colonization's advanced artificial intelligence. • Play either the French, English, Dutch or Spanish colonial powers each with distinct characteristics and political situations. • Customize your games and choose your own level of difficulty so you never play the same game twice. • Discover and explore the Americas or create your own scenario with a random map generator. • Same design principles and interface as award-winning Civilization, making game play easy and fun.



  • Controls

    By Voncarp00
    I love this game. But, the controls make it impossible to play. It’s unfortunate
  • Same as the original - except you don’t get a mouse and keyboard

    By TeamBubblegum
    Check online for the hot-key functions. Like: Using +/- to load/unload specific cargo. Pressing shift will then allow you to select a specific amount of that cargo also. It’s a bit clunky but it’s such a classic game, and nothing at all was changed. Don’t think it’s even available anymore but I’m still allowed to play it and clearly doesn’t need updates.
  • Do not buy. Waste of money.

    By jakestatefarmkenney
    I sold have listened to the reviews. If I could give it 0 stars I would. The mouse navigation with the touch is absolutely awful and the keyboard takes up most the screen. It’s unplayable and I can’t get a refund
  • Unusable on iPhone

    By iPurr!
    The controls are completely impossible to use on my iPhone. I can’t navigate or basically do anything at all without great difficulty. It makes me feel sick to try. I’m very disappointed.

    By VitaliyVT
    I absolutely love this game but the gameplay interface makes impossible to play.
  • Takes a bit to get the hang of it.

    By OverNightDog
    It is definitely a challenge to navigate the controls, but I’ve been playing this app version for quite a while now and the game is the same as my dos version, maybe a bit better. The biggest thing I wish it had was the map editor that was included in the dos version. I would like to create my own unique maps like I could on the computer, but on my iPad instead. Other than that if you are looking for the original gameplay and pixalized fun I enjoyed as a youngster, then this is the game you’ve been looking for.
  • Awesome game but needs updates

    By Mikey11129999
    Game is great however you can’t sell boycotted goods in Europe like you could in the normal game. Would love more options to move horizontally etc but can live with it for now
  • Amazing Port of the Original

    By Colin8128
    So I’ve put probably 200 hours into this game and I can say that almost all of the complaints about the controls and interface will be resolved with time and practice. if you use both of your thumbs and learn to hold one thumb on the screen to select something and then use the other thumb to drag, many of the issues go away. Additionally, learning how to use the keyboard is essential. The spacebar input tells a unit to pass for the turn. The F1 input opens the civilopedia on the selected tile. You can switch to tile select by using the view menu -> view pieces. I often use the keyboard arrow inputs to move units or navigate menus. The game plays identically to the original as far as I can tell. I played the original a lot in the 90’s. Needless to say I love the game. There is so much strategy to learn as you play. Lately I have discovered how much trading with the natives adds to the game. There are still some issues: 1. I’ve never figured out how to split resources. In the original a right click would allow me to split, say 90 tobacco, into two quantities to move a part onto a ship or wagon. In this version I haven’t figured out how to do this. 2. You often accidentally click when you want to just move the cursor. With practice this happens less often but it is frustrating. 3. I believe this bug is probably leftover from the original, but sometimes pieces don’t use the optimal path to move to a tile you tell them to go to. Sometimes they get so confused they just go back and forth between two tiles and waste all their movement points, even when a path exists! It’s pretty rare but it seems to happen more often around non-player units.
  • Not good

    By St@ne
    Sadly this game doesn’t work. It should work… but there’s no way to control the cursor effectively.
  • Game’s Good, 1 star people are bad

    By Vodkavsky
    This games is a perfect port of the original colonization game, it operates exactly like it does on PC, with the only downside being that a phone can’t properly replicate a mouse control with left and right click functions in this specific context. Its wonky to use the clicking and mouse, but unlike what all the 1 star review bombers are saying, you CAN move diagonally in this game, and the controls work fine once you learn how they work. Your basic tap is like left mouse button every time. To do things like tell your currently selected unit to move to a position, you must click AND HOLD, which has hit or miss results on the holding depending on how much touchscreens like your fingers. To move things between a boat and a colony is the hardest, as you have to click and hold on the item you want to move, then once its picked up, you use a different finger to then drag the item over to the desired spot. All gameplay elements have been left the same, the game saves work, you can sell things and buy things from europe and your colonies do all the normal colony things. One thing I want to figure out though is how to get to a map editor to make custom maps! On the PC, there is a seperate launcher on Steam to make a custom map, then going back to the main game you can pick the map you made to then play on, and I’m hoping that can be on this mobile version too, either added to this version or as a seperate app that connects with this app. TL/DR: people are too impatient to learn the controls, game good.
